Zelda concert: As with any show out of town Im paranoid about - TopicsExpress


Zelda concert: As with any show out of town Im paranoid about being late. Even moreso because we had to drive from Fostoria to Grand Rapids, MI just to see the Zelda Symphony of the Godesses live. Driving up we made great time, found a Biggby House and got some coffee. Arriving to the city with about 20 minutes to spare we hit Grand Rapids version of a Fostoria stoplight. It was ridiculous. The turn to the venue and ensuing parking left us with minutes to spare. Speed walking due to our bladders almost exploding we make it to the bathrooms sarah...ticket...ticket! I said as we went to our gender based urination compounds. At the urinal I heard the audience erupt in applause. Noooo I said out loud then thought cmon pee faster! As I was taking the longest pee in the world. I make it inside the theatre and get shown to my seat and its not started yet, the applause was for the conductor coming out. I sit down, get comfortable, and the symphony begins. I couldnt have timed it more perfect. Sarah joined soon after and we sat amongst a throng of nerdy couples, moms and dads accompanying sons, gaymers, and everything in between. The orchestra was breathtaking. So much so the rather large couple with the man sitting beside sarah going woooooo-oooop didnt bother me. This is a symphony not a rodeo I thought to myself. Behind us sat the nerdy comedy troupe who kept cracking jokes whenever the creators of the symphony would address the crowd between movements. To my left a gay uncle and his niece watched on. In front of us straight Brian sat with his girlfriend embraced. It was adorable. At intermission DSs replaced cellphones. Lighting up spreading across the theatre like butter on toast. Each one a varying Zelda game in the midst of play. Searching out food we found some old school studio photography and marvelled at its perfection. In an age before Photoshop. All around little male and female Links scattered like clone stamps and Zelda shirt galore. Lots of eye balling by everyone. People admiring, nervous, other looking longingly probably thinking what I was, I want a Zelda boyfriend. Intermission over we took our seats, the creators set the stage and on the large video screen played the third movement and my most favorite Zelda of all time: Twilight Princess. It was utterly amazing. The projection screen, as it had been all night, taking me back in time to I remember fighting that and the chorus of laughter from the crowd as a slew of chickens attacked Link. It was then I felt at one with the people. I miss nerd friends. The ex wouldve laughed at that I thought, although he was supposed to be in the crowd somewhere like a cruel game of Wheres Waldo? Out of sight out of mind I absorbed two hours of amazing composition. Intermittenly they would flash video of the symphony musicians playing and some looked intent. Some looked bored. Caught at a bad moment perhaps? They showed the cute oboe player many times and I imagined I was dating him and finally getting to see him perform the Zelda symphony I had so eagerly looked forward to. Then meeting him backstage and going home and gushing over how great it was. All of this in a millisecond of reality. But playing pretend is fun. Sometimes. I wondered about each one they showed and wondered what was their backstory? What life path brought them here. From the librarian looking lady playing the flute to the older gentleman playing the cello. The two row choir in back with the two fellows who did not look comfortable standing next to each other...what was their story. I wonder things a lot. Empathy, putting myself in someone elses life space.... The show ended and we rose up to venture our way back through the valley of green and gold, different molds wearing the same visage. Some of the molds made me sigh. I havent been arounf gaymers in a long long time. It was like being amongst my tribe. Unspoken kinship. Darting into the cold and rain outside the way out was easier than in (hah) and as I write this we are en route close to the Ohio border. I wanted to give a proper story before I made it home and lost inspiration. No pun intended. :P Thanks to Sarah Rudy for tagging along and being a good sport about it all. Those of you that are Zelda fans like me...if it comes at all within driving distance of you. Go. You will not be disappointed. Took a lone picture with sarahs phone. Hope to have it up later. Hope it came out. It was like ,ok they stopped the movement *snap* I bet tonights dream soundtrack is going to be awesome. -PHi
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 05:28:06 +0000

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