ZetaTalk about who shot down Malaysia Airlines MH17 and - TopicsExpress


ZetaTalk about who shot down Malaysia Airlines MH17 and why zetatalk/ning/19jy2014.htm On the day a civilian airliner was shot out of the sky by a missile, what clues exist as to the hand on the missile and the agenda at play? Material from the aircraft, in pieces on the ground, will be useless in this regard, nor will any black box recorders provide information as the pilots and instruments were silenced instantly. What is known is what US satellites saw, what a Spanish air traffic controller working in Kiev saw being reported, what eye witnesses on the ground saw, the date on a recording claimed to be of a rebel conversation, and the fact that the Ukraine was having difficulty suppressing the rebellion on those in southeastern Ukraine. US satellites confirmed it was a missile, but delayed stating the source of the shot, an odd and very telling delay. Why so long in computing the trajectory? In that a Spanish air traffic control agent reported Ukraine military admitting the missile did not come from rebel areas, and in that this agent has now disappeared, we have our answer. Yes the rebels had a captured BUK but per a Ukraine official report, it was considered to be non-operational. Of course, the Ukraine also had the BUK, capable of rising to 33,000 feet to disable a plane. The Ukraine quickly put out a recorded conversation of the rebels bragging, but analysis of this recording shows it was made the day before the shootdown. Creating a tragedy to induce partners to enter into a war is certainly nothing new. The US has been accused of doing this at Pearl Harbor to allow the US to engage during WW II and the Gulf of Tonkin incident allowing the US to engage during the Vietnam war. Only months ago an incident with poison gas in Syria was shown to be an attempt to draw the US into a war with Syria on behalf of Israel. Despite the vote showing that the majority of people in the southeastern Ukraine region want to be considered Russian, the leadership in the Ukraine is furious that neither NATO or the US is fighting on their side. In that Putin was reported to be overhead on the same path as MH 17 just minutes before the shootdown, this is also an attempt to aggravate Putin to engage. The world will resist these attempts, but the truth of who actually shot down MH 17 will likely never be admitted by the west.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 04:49:33 +0000

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