Ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiing! I am having a love affair with words like - TopicsExpress


Ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiing! I am having a love affair with words like zing, hum, pow, boom. Seriosuly...I cant stop! Anyway, I feel like I cleaned out a lot yesterday. It was a messy emotional process, but good lord...it is gorgeous. I am letting go, simplifying, and getting real with myself about what I keep messing up on and what I need to change. I still feel some of the drag...like some of the baggage is clinging to my ankles and doesnt want to let go. I am, very lovingly, prying it off. Because I know you all wont judge me and will send me such amazing miracle love, I wanted to make some declarations and confessions here: 1. My evenings are solely my familys sacred space. I will honor this. The internet, work, all else can wait. My aim will be to have a electronics-free zone (except for family TV time) and I will detach from all the shiny things and be fully and truly present. 2. This means I gots to get shiz DONE during my daytime/daughter in school hours. Cant let silly fear trip me up as I make phone calls and/or emails. Gotta be bold, get in there, and just do it. 3. All my work decisions from here will reflect the life I want to create in 2015. This Fall/Winter will be the end of coaching for women and consulting on writing. No more juggling 4 different projects and trying to reach/serve in so many ways that it leaves me drained. In 2015, I will be a writer and a speaker. That will drive all of my decisions, investments, risks, and movement. I nearly want to cry (I am seriously holding back the tears RIGHT NOW) because a long time ago I posted on a board my LIFETIME miracles and one of them was... I stand in front of a sold out audience as part of an international speaker tour where I feel connected, vibrant, soulful, real and able to share my soul work in a way that contributes to the transformation of others. The lights are blinding, the room is full and I am intoxicatingly alive. I am not saying that I will step onto that stage tomorrow, but I am saying that I am honoring that dream, that miracle, that desire and am going to take daily inspired action to see/feel it come true. I look forward to bringing my message of hope in the darkness to schools over the next couple months and fully next year. Hear that? My heart. Exploding. 4. I wont make excuses. There may be obstacles...the vision may change, but I wont stop. Not this time And can I just say? My CDFs? Electric, in love, luscious, limitless, magical, on fire? THEY ARE ALL SPARKLING/SIZZLING/APPLAUDING this new adventure and vision.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 14:32:19 +0000

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