Zikomo!!! A simmering sea of crimson red is an inadequate - TopicsExpress


Zikomo!!! A simmering sea of crimson red is an inadequate prognosis of what Mutare is right at this moment. Here they gather today and celebrate 14 years of excellence...YEAH because this political enterprise called MDC begins where excellence begins and ends where it stops... So today we gather to reflect on 14 years of untold suffering at the deep end of one of Africa s most repressive regimes. Zikomo.Today we gather and say Zikomo. What happened to the peoples stolen hope and aspirations? What happened to the peoples who lost their lives in the journey so far endured to the tune of 14 years,I speak of Tonderai Ndira, Gift Tandare, Kauzani, Cain Nyeve and many others? What happened to the arrested. .Maengahama, Gwenzi and many others What? Octogenarian Rwisai Nyakauru of Nyanga and Rebecca Mafukela leads the list of those who succumbed to the institutionalized state repression which today charecterise our sad chapter as a nation. But the singing masses in Mutare resonates with painful but resolute unison.. They sing Zikomo They dance Zikomo The struggle indeed continues.The looting Zanu echelons cannot plunder at will.No I am Zimbabwean too and it is incumbent upon any democratic society that the will of the peoples is held manifest So today we reflect how the masters of shame..I mean those who stole an election in broad daylight can be made to go and go for good So Zikomo What...Mutare sings.. And the message is that our victory has been delayed but it comes...behold we will triumph over evil..just like Jesus Christ did at the Calvary Zikomo
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 11:40:26 +0000

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