Zillia has decided that she would rather do chores instead of - TopicsExpress


Zillia has decided that she would rather do chores instead of school work. I dont think this child realizes what she is asking for...so, floors will be cleaned a few times, because Im sure they are extra dirty. The walls will be wiped down. Windows and window seals will be cleaned. The door frames will be cleaned. The doors can be wiped down. Im sure I can find some dishes that need to be rewashed because they arent clean enough. My brother has suggested pulling all her clothes out of drawers and her closet and saying they arent folded or hung up properly...I remember them doing that in bootcamp...oooooh I have so much in store for this child!! Rule number One: IF YOU DONT GET AN EDUCATION, you WILL be forced to do manual labor. Quit thinking you are going to be the next Bill Gates! That man had a great education...yes, I know he dropped out of Harvard...but that was college. He DID make it through high school. Rule number Two: If you decide you would rather do manual labor, DO NOT COMPLAIN THAT IT IS HARD! I know its hard! Im making it extra hard for a reason! I dont want you to spend your life scrubbing floors for a living! There is nothing wrong with scrubbing floors, but I want more for my kids than that! We all want more than that for our kids. So yes, I will make you get a toothbrush and scrub the little spots that the mop really doesnt hit, if it means I can get you to hit the books quicker! Rule number Three: dont complain that your brother doesnt have to do these chores. I know he doesnt. But he also goes to school, does homework, helps cook, does dishes...I mean, the boy works!!! And when he gets in trouble, hes smart! He opts to have his television privileges taken away. And then he sits in his room and reads. No, I do not give you the same options that I give him, but thats because you are different. You arent the same. You dont want me to compare the two of you, so you arent allowed to compare the two of you, either. Rule number Four: because I said so! Haha! I so love being the mom. I get to say because I said so now! I hated when my mom said it t me, but now I understand why she said it. No, I dont have a good excuse or reason, other than because I said so. Sometimes I have a good reason, but I really shouldnt have to take the time to explain it because I told you a million times to do it already, so why are you still arguing??? Just know, I have a good reason. Maybe Ill explain it one day, maybe I wont. Youll do the same thing one day. I love my kids!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 16:12:31 +0000

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