Zimbabwe is a land on which amazing things happen every day. Most - TopicsExpress


Zimbabwe is a land on which amazing things happen every day. Most of those things come from ZANU(PF) to say the least and some have come about because they want to win an election. Why they want to win boggles the mind. They have been in power for thirty three years and the only movement the nation has made is to slide backwards by several decades. At independence, the economy was better than that of Portugal but now we are in the bottom ten poorest nations. Before independence, we had clean, well-chlorinated germ free water courtesy of Ian Smith, now we have dirty, untreated and germ- infested water courtesy of Robert Mugabe. Before independence, houses were constructed by the whites and our parents just moved in but now the Mugabe Regime has failed to provide even unserviced stands so we can construct our own homes. In fact, some of his lieutanants like Energy Mutodi and Aeneas Chigwedere have actually swindled home seekers of thousands of dollars and he has not even bated an eye. He has not even come to the aid of these people. But who can beat the promise of Robert Mugabe to civil servants:”…we are going to treat you well after the elections which we are going to win resoundingly.” I have no problem with such sweet promises. I only have problems with history. The white minority regime ensured the civil servants were well-remunerated. Robert Mugabe’s house in Old Highfield is a living testimony to that fact. During his short-lived stint as Premier of Zimbabwe-Rhodesia, Abel Muzorewa increased the salaries of civil servants, including teachers significantly, and for the first time they bought new cars and houses in low density areas like Greendale, Avondale and Hatfield. But unfortunately, the Mugabe Regime has made the teacher worse off by systematically impoverishing him over the years. As early as 1989, teachers were already singing “Dzingai, Dzingai Mutumbuka!” a word-play on the then Minister of Education which meant “Expel, expel Mutumbuka!” From 2000, the Robert Mugabe regime committed horrendous acts against teachers including tortures some of which have led to deaths. From that year, a well-calculated move was made which ensured that teachers were impoverished and between 2006 and 2008, his regime ensured that the salary of civil servants was less than R100 or $10 per month. Many fled to the diaspora. Now what has changed? Has Robert Mugabe, like Paul on the road to Damascus, had a life-changing encounter with Christ? Or is it the election around the corner? If a younger Robert Mugabe failed to deliver at 56 (his age at independence), how can an older 89 year old now do it? Has he turned into an abragadabra of the “Hey Presto” fame or has he become a Christian of incredible faith? These are not mere rhetorical questions but real questions needing real answers. I don’t know how the generality of civil servants are going to take this ‘good news’ but some obviously are incredulous. In Shona we have a proverb which goes,’Rinonyenga rinohwarara rozosimudza musoro rawana’ literally meaning ‘a suitor hides his true colours’, thus, he is generally deceptive. Anyone who believes this either has a very short memory or needs urgent psychiatric attention. In Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, Shylock is asked whether he could take his daughter Jesicca back after she had stolen 3000 ducats from him and he says poignant words with lessons for us now:”What? Can’st thou have a serpent sting thee twice?” The President talked about social nets like BEAM the Basic Education Assistant Module that helps those who can’t afford to pay fees that they will be increased and l fear this. Is it a way of saying he will make more people poor and hence more children will need help. Why can’t he simply allow investments to create employment so more parents can work and afford to pay fees for their children? Why incapacitate the people to look after themselves and then throw in doles or carrots to them as if you really care? If you do, give me an opportunity to make it. Don’t make it for me, no, just unchain me, just set me free. If l want to do something to benefit myself or the nation, why should l be asked for a party card or where l come from? But then Robert Mugabe is a men of many tricks. Last week he took advantage of an apostolic sect annual religious gathering in Marange to campaign for himself to avoid the ‘Bhora Musango’ hat-trick in which party candidates decampaign him and campaign for themselves. Now reChristened Madzibaba Gabriel, he reduced chipostori and himself to all-time low levels by putting on religious regalia meant for strict sect adherents and not fly-by-night rolling stones. Thus, he has become the brunt of jokes on the social web like:’Yanetsa sei MDC yapfekedza Mugabe garment?’ loosely translated ‘MDC must have really made life difficult for Mugabe because it has made him to sup with a sect.’ Mugabe can not win because these people are independent thinkers. Sincerely, Herbert Mugwagwa
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 20:39:48 +0000

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