Zimmerman Railroad Was On Track For A Conviction JULY 15, 2013 BY - TopicsExpress


Zimmerman Railroad Was On Track For A Conviction JULY 15, 2013 BY DOUG BOOK Upon concluding a thorough investigation of the February 26th, 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin, the Sanford police found there was not enough evidence to charge George Zimmerman with a crime. According to then Sanford police chief Bill Lee, “…from an investigative standpoint, it was purely a matter of self-defense.” How did a man who legally defended his life from a drug-impaired, known thug come to face a possible lifetime in prison? Obviously the prosecution of George Zimmerman had everything to do with the politics of race. The black in the White House who claimed his son would "look like Trayvon," the black Attorney General who famously keeps prosecutors away from “his people” and professional race hustlers Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson–-all brought immense pressure on Florida politicians, from Governor Rick Scott to Sanford Mayor Jeff Triplett. It was this pressure which caused officials to ignore evidence and police findings of self- defense. It prompted the weak-kneed Gov. Scott to appoint Special Prosecutor Angela Corey who could BYPASS the state’s Grand Jury system in order to bring her own charges against Zimmerman. (The grand jury would have based its findings on fact and evidence, far too dicey a situation for an individual who had to be prosecuted, guilty or not.) It’s now known that Corey withheld exculpatory evidence favorable to Zimmerman’s claim of self defense. And the efforts of race-baiters and the Obama Administration to secure a guilty verdict against George Zimmerman were ongoing. Trial Judge Debra Nelson disallowed video evidence of Martin brandishing guns; suppressed evidence of Martin’s criminal background including information of stolen jewelry and burglar tools found in his backpack on the night of the shooting; excluded testimony from audio experts who would have shown it was Zimmerman screaming for help, not Martin; allowed prosecutors to present the lesser charge of manslaughter at the last moment when it became apparent their 2nd degree murder claims were not proved; ignored 6 formal defense complaints against prosecutors for withholding exculpatory evidence and asked Zimmerman about his plans to testify, in a manner contrary to the law. The American public watched as a thoroughly biased judge did her absolute BEST to secure a conviction against a man who should not have been on trial in the first place. Had George Zimmerman been found guilty, race hustlers and corrupt politicians would have succeeded in robbing an innocent man of his liberty while making those who would defend a life seem no better than those who would take one. Fortunately, a jury of 6 had the courage to do what was right rather than what was expedient or politically expected. Mayors, governors and special prosecutors could take a lesson from them. I fully expected George Zimmerman to have been convicted of manslaughter, a result of jurors afraid to render an honest verdict. I’m glad to owe these 6 an apology!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 03:27:47 +0000

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