Zionism is a racist concept, imagine a country that claims it is - TopicsExpress


Zionism is a racist concept, imagine a country that claims it is for one race only. I have heard it said, that Israel is for Jews only, or a Jewish State. Frankly I dont get it, how in this day and age can a people claim that? Holocaust or no Holocaust it is wrong to usurp someone elses land and claim it to be your own. Even on religious grounds, it is still a ridiculous notion. It is as wrong as the colonists usurping land under the religious notion of manifest destiny was. Unfortunately it is this concept (land usurpation) that the unholy alliance between Israel and the United State is based upon. Israel is an ethnocracy not a democracy. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnocracy Israels dilemma is that it is making itself out to be a righteous state when it is the exact opposite. Therefore it relies on public relations and myths, because it is simply an injustice. Sadly I have come to realize that in the end it is the Zionist dream that is fueling, and instigating the current wars. It is the Zionist control machine that has created the Clash Of Civilizations. The control of Middle Eastern Oil, and the money that is generated from companies doing business with the National Security/Military Complexes, i.e. THE WAR ON TERROR, are secondary to the Zionists dream of a Greater Israel. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_Israel The way I see it many people stood to gain financially from the attacks, and that was the pay off, the kick back going to the higher ups in the American military and intelligence communities. Who perhaps have more then just turned a blind eye. Why is it that those whos job it was to protect the American people, were never held to account for their failures. In fact quite the opposite happened, they were promoted and people like George Tenet actually received the medal of freedom. cbsnews/news/bush-honors-tenet-franks-bremer/ One must realize that the Neo Cons plan (PNACs Rebuilding Americas Defenses) which called for a New Pearl Harbor paralleled Israels plan, which also called for preemptive war, in the Middle East. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Clean_Break:_A_New_Strategy_for_Securing_the_Realm The implementation of these plans are being realized at this very moment, i.e. ISIS, the Syrian rebels and the potential overthrow of the current leader in Syria. People must understand that this revolves around the Zionist dream known as Israel. (both Christian and Jewish Zionists, albeit for different reasons) What I am describing is the Mob On Steroids, and the heads of the major crime families sit both on Wall Street, and within the International Banking Cartel. Like the Federal Reserve System, the Bank Of International Settlements, the World Bank, LIBOR and the IMF. You will find that Zionism is disproportionately represented in all the communities I have referred to above, and what these proportions or rather what their very narrow Zionist world view represents and reflects, is a world needlessly and also disproportionately full of wars and injustices. Thank goodness that people are waking up to the malfeasances and devilish plans of the global elite. Their plans are multifaceted and so too must be our responses. Each effort they put forth involves the consolidation of power itself. To combat this we need only to break our reliance on them through self sufficiency. Each cartel must be identified and then broken up. Power and wealth is in the hands of the few, realizing this is half the battle. If you truly believe in democracy, it would be wise to recognize it when you see it, and acknowledge it when you do not...
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 03:16:50 +0000

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