Zionism leads to the anti-Christ by Ron - TopicsExpress


Zionism leads to the anti-Christ by Ron Bedell Introduction Growing up on Long Island New York we were taught to always love and support and respect the Jew. And I do love and highly respect the Jew. But I must tell the truth about Zionism or at least what I know about this modern day movement. Definition Zionism is a national movement of Jews and Jewish culture that supports the creation of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the land of Israel. (Wikipedia) Article In the past there have been two great movements of Hebrews and Jews into the land of Canaan and Israel. The first was under the leadership of Moses and the second was under the leadership of Zerubbabel. In both movements the vast majority of the Hebrews including Moses and the vast majority of the Jews including Zerubbabel were believers in Yeshua (Jesus Christ). Under Moses and Zerubbabel Israel would definitely have been a blessing to the world, and respected the sovereignty and independence of nations and individual people. Today, Jews are moving to their homeland, Israel, in unbelief in Yeshua. Furthermore, Zionism, today, does not support Biblical principles that lead to liberty, independence, and sovereignty. Zionism, today, supports socialism and all the foreign and domestic policies that would lead to the New World Order, world government, and the anti-Christ. Since the arrival Yeshua about 2000 years ago most Jews have not accepted their Messiah, Jesus Christ. But when will Israel accept their Messiah? The Bible tells us in Zechariah chapter 12 and 13 Israel will finally recognize their Messiah, Yeshua, and accept Him. And this event will happen at the end of the seven years of tribulation when Jesus Christ comes back at His Second Coming. There are two conditions necessary for the establishment of Messiah, Christ’s, future kingdom: (a) the overthrow of the anti-Christ and the Gentile world powers that oppose the establishment of Christ’s Kingdom on earth (b) the regeneration of individual Jews who will constitute the nation when God fulfills the Abrahamic and Davidic covenants. Both of these conditions will be accomplished by Yeshua. Yeshua will deliver Israel physically from her enemies (Zechariah 12:1-9) and He will deliver Israel spiritually (Zechariah 12:10-13:9).
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 13:57:57 +0000

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