Zionist-Arab Conflict, A History (1881-2001) — A Case Study - TopicsExpress


Zionist-Arab Conflict, A History (1881-2001) — A Case Study — 1:5 The US with the strong support by the British and France initially formulated the Arms Embargo in order to prevent an escalating war. (The Civil War: November 1947- May 14, 1948,): The UN Resolution’s voted two third majorities being passed for the implementation of the Arms Embargo spear-headed by Truman was a close contest. 16 Apparently, there has been a contravene of the embargo and the Zionist-Haganah secretly received Arms and fighter planes which they really in needs being airlifted re-routed from US via Czechoslovakia; for the lack of fire powers against the Arabs were very much greater in the field of Air Strikes. However, it was insignificant for the Arabs to take advantages as half of their planes unserviceable. They are left with low stock of spare parts which were unable to repair and to engage effectively at the battleground.17 Undoubtedly the infringement of the agreement somehow or rather implicitly has made the Arabs felt cheated. They have no other means but to turn to Russia for their weaponry to encounter the war against the Jews. In that period of time U.S. and U.S.S.R. [Soviet] were the only two world superpowers dominating the world doctrine of weaponry advance technology with huge stockpiles. The ‘world’s stage chest game’ is at stake that subsequently profuse theories on the domination of politics were divided between the thin line of ‘the evil and the angel’ resorted to the ‘arms race’. The ‘hippies’ group in America who ‘isolated themselves’ from the ‘mass’ and they love ‘peace’ due to dissatisfaction on ‘Domino theory’ in Vietnam were not well received by the American majority.18 No more Vietnam, Richard Nixon The ‘conflicts of interests’ between the superpowers have divided the world turn into ‘tension everywhere’, thus, the above eventual scenario drawn the Arabs to analyses ‘abyss’ of their Long term ‘friendship with the US’. This had turn into ‘further conflicts’ in ideology with the Arabs ‘majority’. The ramification was the war turn-out to become a disastrous for the Arabs due to their disunity, army deficiencies and lack of military training. The ambiance was totally horrendous as the Arabs commanders of battalions very indecisive to counter-attacks due to lacks of directive orders from the central command. In the end they were left in the desert like a sitting ducks, wandering and awaiting any command whatever the commanders could grasp. Meanwhile, the Jews have been swift concurrently to accomplish their missions. They were excellent to execute their planning in defense and counter-attacks. Earlier in the late 1940s, Hagganah-Zionist was not alone in the fight against the Arabs. They were being supported by the well-organized Yishuv group of the most politically conscious, committed and ruled the infrastructures of a state-within-a-state. The Yeshiva was well-received by the World Zionist Organization with a powerful branches in the United States and Britain that they are able to raised an emergency fund-raising tour: in the United States in January-March 1948, Golda Meir collected $50 million for the Hagganah. 19 The amount was significant to the surprise of Ben-Gurion whom initially was asking for half of that amount. She also conducted a second whirlwind tour in May-June and raised another $50 million in which the funds paid for arms shipment from Czechoslovakia that the Jews crucially needed million. 20 Later in the war of 1967 (the six days war), Egypt had to encounter a ‘three corners fight with the Israelis, British and France’. Those eventual wars diminished the ‘Arabs dream for a Palestine—Arabs state to be re-born’ indefinitely with future wars as the victory was in the hands for the Jews being the winners of all. Fig. 6: PLOT: The Arabs against the Jewish Camp (War of 1947 – 1948) 1:6 The small-scale ‘civil war infiltration’ leads to escalating Zionist-Jordan conflict: The Arabs had suffered a humiliated defeat due to their ‘weakness’ both politically and militarily. In actual event they are indifferences in ideas and not ready to engage the ‘on-going psychological warfare tactics systematically drawn by the Jews communities’ for the ‘huge and without bitter end battlefield’. Hashemite’ Al-Huseeini was in dilemma for the vacuum of power and the sovereignty he should be entitled to a small portion of Palestine’s Land although he has received the Support from, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Arabia and Egypt. His envisage had prompted that all the Arabs will gain control of the disputed Palestine’s vast Land which he hesitantly to enter the war with the Jews. By and large, the Zionist movement was created a Century ago with their aims and purposes will not barge of their inheritance for an Independent Sovereignty State of Israel had became ‘the religion for all Jews’. They were ready politically and militarily for a ‘just war’ with the strength of nine Hagganah brigades well-trained and strong armies of the Israelis Defense Force (IDF) with thirty to thirty-five thousand men: and supported by another three thousand the IZL and LHI(Lead by Manheim Begin). On the Contrary, Egypt during the reign of Anwar Sadat taken the initiative hesitantly was drawn to embark on a major step by negotiating with the Zionist-Jews for a comprehensive Peace Settlement with the hope that Israel would return the whole Sinai Desert to Egypt. Initially Sadat put a strong case coherently to include on the Palestinian sovereignty issue. At the end of the negotiation ultimately he had to abandon the idea of the Palestinian issues into the threshold and not to jeopardize the Peace Talk with Israel as President Jimmy Carter as the mediator. Begin enthusiastically agreed in principal of the formality terms of total withdrawal form Sinai but short on Palestinian’s matters not even to offer an autonomy power. Begin was hoping to discuss the peace process on individual basis with other Arabs Nation. Meanwhile, the Israelis had a secret peace negotiation with King Hussein of Jordan. Undoubtedly most of the infiltrations were from the borderline between Jordan and Israel in East bank by Fatah group. In 1949 during the Armistice borderline was drawn, the Israelis accusing Jordan’s collaborations with Palestinians for the infiltrations were intimidating the sovereignty of Zionist-Jews State. These eventual consequences had driven the Israelis to mounting their military strength on the border with Jordan. In fact, in Ben-Gurion diary the strategy was actually a deception of the Israelis real intention to mobilize the War against Egypt, strongest enemy among the Arabs.21 Those incidents were a far cry of Jordan was totally did not involves whether the infiltration was directly nor indirectly instigate as being indicted by Israel.22
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 03:13:35 +0000

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