Zionist regime occupying Palestine is a neo colonial project based - TopicsExpress


Zionist regime occupying Palestine is a neo colonial project based on a false interpretation of Judaism. This project has a strategic significance for the western powers and zionist leadership, not a moral or religious significance and has caused much more death and destruction, through its intelligence services than people can imagine. I find it odd that atheistic jews rush to defend the zionist regime, when they dont even believe in god, or Judaism, or the torah. Makes no sense and it becomes even more odd when you see european zionists call anyone who oppose this neo colonial project or even criticise this regime, anti semitic, when they themselves are not semetic and are displaying utter hate and vengeance towards semetic peoples of the region and brutally crushing semetic people of Palestine. Even before hamas existed they caused death and destruction in expelling the semetic indigenous population, at that time they could not use the excuse hamas made me do it, therefore they relied on other deceptive tricks and manipulations.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 11:03:05 +0000

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