Zodiac readings for 1st, September, 2014… ARIES : Know that - TopicsExpress


Zodiac readings for 1st, September, 2014… ARIES : Know that every moment, every choice, every experience has profound value even if it doesn’t seem like it. Accept your inner uniqueness. Embrace all parts of yourself and your life and if you don’t like any of it try to change it. Affirm that there is a plan for your life and everything is working out for your highest good. TAURUS : You have been gathering your inner forces and gaining strength. Assume your power and don’t believe in anyone’s negative or limiting talks. Just believe in your ideas and inspirations. Implementation of these ideas will bring you success. If you have given away your authority to someone please claim it back. GEMINI : Your vision has profoundly improved and you see only beauty and grace. You have the potential that you haven’t exploited yet. Now is the time to reach higher than before so don’t fall down before doubts. You are rising to greater heights. Rise above situation that isn’t empowering. You are a healer, teacher and leader. CANCER : Remember your dreams are coming true. Right now whatever you have desired for your life will come true magically. Have only positive and happy thoughts about your life. What you want be clear and feel all is coming true. All is unfolding according to your highest good. Don’t let negative emotions block it. LEO : Your past affects your present. A powerful healing is occurring underneath. There are universal forces dissolving old blockages and limitations. This will have a positive effect on all aspects of your life like relationship, career, family etc. Take time to examine your current situation and strengthen weak areas. VIRGO : Your inner light is illuminating the outer being. If you have been feeling lack luster or tired remember you have infinite energies inside you. You need to look deep inside you and bring out the gems hidden deep inside your being. Using your god given gifts will bring you great success, abundance and prosperity. LIBRA : Everything is falling in place coz you are allowing the divine to work its magic without forcing anything. You don’t need to decide and plan anything let things flow effortlessly. You can overcome any obstacle. Just keep working with gratitude and appreciation. You will achieve everything if you just have faith. SCORPIO : All is really well in your life. Jump with happiness and excitement like a child. These feelings of joy and happiness will bring more joy and bliss into your life. Allow joy and wonder to fill your life. This will not only change your life but will also change the life of people around you. Experience joy in each moment. SAGITTARIUS : True magic is abounding in your life. Trust in the divine energies and their magic working in your life. When you believe in magic it will start appearing in your life more often. Be ware of the signs, messages, feathers, coins, bill boards etc. These are the ways or means through which divine communicates with humans. CAPRICORN : Listen with your heart and act upon your intuition. Trust that you are being guided in the right direction and the messages you are receiving in your highest good. Past mistakes were actually lessons which gave you strength and wisdom. You need to trust your intuition and believe that you will be successful. AQUARIUS : Whatever you have been putting off you need to act upon it without any further delay. This is not the time to plan and organize but it is time to act and implement those ideas or plans you had in mind. The actions taken now will bring beneficial rewards in the near future. Leap into action as success is yours. PISCES : Put yourself first today. You have always been caring and nurturing others. Now is the time to pamper yourself and treat yourself to some gifts, spa, massages etc. When we love and care for ourselves we are able to do more for others. Focus on what is wondrous and remarkable about you. Pat yourself for your achievements.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 08:05:40 +0000

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