Zodiac readings for 20th, December, 2014… (I want all of you - TopicsExpress


Zodiac readings for 20th, December, 2014… (I want all of you to read your signs with a relaxed mind and read it 2-3 times to get the profound message and be able to read between the lines. Then I am sure you will get the divine message related to your day) ARIES : You may feel empty, exhausted or emotionally drained at this time and wonder why. Much of this has to do with forces beyond your control, but also, it is a message for you to shed and release old habits and cleanse away negativity. It is a time for contemplation and preparation, rather than depression and regrets. TAURUS : Destiny awaits you, so claim it. But to be a spiritual being, you must balance body, mind and spirit. Embrace everything, good and bad alike, with total acceptance, knowing that each new experience will teach more of life. By learning each lesson you will go onwards and upwards. Look within self to be positive. GEMINI : This is a time of transformation, a time to let go of the old and embrace the new, new beginnings, new life and new dreams. The only constant is change, and quick progress requires an acceptance of change, not resistance to it. Change is scary, but if you remain true to self and stick to path, you will achieve your goal. CANCER : Your emotions and actions are your own and cannot be manipulated by others. You always have a choice in everything. No-one can upset you. No-one can exert power over you unless you choose to subject yourself to it. Claim your right to choice, to leave things to fate and have no say in your own future. LEO : You need to reassess where your truths lie, what your beliefs are and take stock of your life. Take stock of what you have, what you need and require, then shed what you no longer need. Everything has its price, but with spiritual gifts, the cost is always worth it in the end. It is also an opportunity for you to give the gift. VIRGO : You are coming into a new understanding of life and its meaning. New insights await, but don’t be complacent. Use this new understanding or it will be worthless. Look for ways to use your insights for the good of yourself and others. Enlightenment is replenishable. The more you use, the more knowledge you gain. LIBRA : You need to immerse yourself in the experience of living, without having to evaluate or understand. It is time for cleansing, re-evaluating, re-organizing and realigning for both body and soul. Success is within your reach and will come to you with the use of your intuition and wisdom combined. SCORPIO : You have the power to bring all good things to fruition. Good fortune awaits you and you may feel a positive vibe around you at the moment. The power of the Sun will enable you to face dark parts within yourself, without fear. It is a good time to seek solutions to problems as the answers are well within your reach. SAGITTARIUS : You have the power within you to face anything. Fear nothing, for you have the authority to claim your destiny. Let no one deter you from your search for the truth. Spiritual authority brings power and it is up to you to use that power in an unselfish and loving way. Power can corrupt so be careful and be humble. CAPRICORN : Challenges are occurring in your life. The greater the challenge, the more you gain by overcoming it. sometimes unexpected actions or activities are a good thing. The unexpected can hold miracles within itself as well. The unexpected can be a positive aspect. Sometimes we need a good push to get out of the rut. AQUARIUS : This is the time of joy, happiness, of things finally coming together. The culmination of the phases of learning and growth. You can be assured that a positive result that brings joy to your heart is in the offing. You are ready to open your arms and your emotions to the joy the Universe is ready to send your way. PISCES : The divine light is guiding you towards your goal. Remain true, and good fortune will be with you. You are well protected by the power of the light. It will give you clear vision to avoid dangers. You may not understand why you are being pulled in a certain direction, you know, deep in your heart that you need to go there.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 07:56:08 +0000

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