Zodiac readings for 23rd, September, 2014… ARIES : It’s - TopicsExpress


Zodiac readings for 23rd, September, 2014… ARIES : It’s time to get practical and get involved in a new project. Ask yourself if you know your limitation; can you cross the imaginary line. An opening may appear that promises enrichment, comfort, trust or the chance to make your dreams real. There is a possibility of an opportunity. When you see a chance, act on it. TAURUS : You may be too innocent regarding financial matters. Perhaps you trust people very easily. Don’t take anything on the face value. Do not leave yourself in a vulnerable position. You need to strengthen your self-esteem. If you have an intuition or natural artistic ability, you need to develop it to a higher level. GEMINI : In the present situation, you want to be in love. New romance could come into your life without you even looking for it. This is time to make a relationship choice. You may have to choose between two people or may even be tempted to get involved with someone who is already in a long term relationship. CANCER : Take control of situations involving money, resources, and investments but also be considerate of others. To achieve success be 100% committed to a venture. In matters regarding love, commitment, loyalty & trust are needed. You need to express your feelings to your partner without any fear of losing control. LEO : If you are recovering from an illness, allow yourself quiet time to heal. Even if you feel completely healthy, you are risking getting sick if you dont take a break. It is important to step back and gain perspective. When we are silent, we can more easily go within. Stillness but must be recognized and sought to gain rewards. VIRGO : It is time either to get your priorities sorted out because things are so up in the air, or to make it clear what your intentions are right now. You are simply rushing ahead with your plans or taking swift action is essential. What you must learn is that if you act now and do not hesitate, things will work out as you wish. LIBRA : A business opportunity may soon come your way. This is the time to sow seeds. You could meet a romantic partner who offers you financial security or material work. A seed of productivity has been planted in your life although you may not yet recognize it. When the seed sprouts, it could take almost any form. SCORPIO : It’s time for a change. Perhaps you need to be more adventurous and less conservative. Be daring. Fear of risk and change may be limiting your prosperity. You may feel lack of intimacy or connection in your relationship. You and your partner may desire freedom and shun responsibility. Time to be intense. SAGITTARIUS : This is time to lighten the load. To drop some of your tasks, delegate, cut back and take time out for pleasure and play. We work hard to make a relationship work for fear of rejection; we try to please too much as a way of keeping control of the relationship. Money issues may be weighing you down but soon it will ease. CAPRICORN : You may be having too many options that you cannot organize yourself to make the right choice. You may be having an illusion of what you can achieve. Explore different career responsibility to find what’s right for you. Use your imagination to create the circumstances you desire in life. Embrace new opportunities. AQUARIUS : Perhaps you feel trapped by your possessions or are using money to try to satisfy emotional needs. It is at times like this when we close in on ourselves, put up the barriers, retreat from the world & withhold feelings or even thoughts. Knowing what you want is the first step towards getting it, so examine and evaluate. PISCES : The joy you seek is within reach. Whether it is in family values or emotional fulfillment in a relationship, this is a time to count your blessings and prepare for the good times. You will receive personal appreciation and recognition for your work. You will enjoy the respect, rewards and sense of satisfaction you deserve.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 23:17:06 +0000

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