Zodiac readings for 27th, September, 2014… (I want all of you - TopicsExpress


Zodiac readings for 27th, September, 2014… (I want all of you to read your signs with a relaxed mind and read it 2-3 times to get the profound message and be able to read between the lines. Then I am sure you will get the divine message related to your day) ARIES : Listen with your heart and act on your instincts. Trust that you are being guided in the right direction. The messages you are receiving are for your highest good. Often with the perspective of time the things that seemed like mistakes were actually your best experiences. Learn to trust your intuition and divine gifts. TAURUS : Put yourself first. Buy yourself roses, invite yourself to scrumptious lunch/dinner, buy yourself that gift you have been eyeing for a long time. You have been giving others now is the time to receive. Pat yourself on back and be proud of your achievements. Accept yourself in all dimensions and love yourself. GEMINI : A powerful inner and outer renewal is occurring in your life now. Purification is happening on many levels. Release situations and people that don’t empower you. When you purify your life you create an environment for something new. This is the time to do some inner and outer clearing. Clear your auric field too. CANCER : Be daring. Cast aside your limitations, fears and fly high. Go beyond your predictable behavior and say yes to life, by doing so you will be helping others fly high too. You are here to grow, expand and be exceptional. Choose life on your terms. Clear out mental and emotional fog and move from draining situations. LEO : Inner and outer travels are indicated. Get ready you are about to start a journey. It can be a physical journey or you suddenly have some realizations about life and people around you. You know now how to handle anything and what life is all about. Some of you may start a new venture, life or relationship. VIRGO : Allow the truth of your soul to be felt and heard. It is an act of power to speak easily and freely. Know that you can heal yourself and others through powers of communications. Every relationship grows and expands if there is clear and heartfelt communication. It will restore trust and faith nad mend lifelong hurts. LIBRA : This is the time to dream big and stretch your wings. Exceed your own expectations as well as expectations others have of you. Expect miracles and believe that only the best will happen for you. Make big plans for the future. In coming months you will be exceeding your own expectations and will be amazed. SCORPIO : True magic abounds in your life. Universe has sent you many magical moments earlier too. If you will look back you will realize those magical moments where you found help out of the blue. Have faith and belief that universe will work its magic and everything will unfold as it should be for the highest good of all. SAGITTARIUS : Things are not always as they seem. Look deeper into the situation and relationships in your life. Something seems closed but may actually be ready to open. If you go beneath the surface you will find many treasures and will be amazed to see the real gems of happiness, abundance and prosperity in it. CAPRICORN : There is a luminosity inside you that is shining brightly. It illuminates others and brings light into the darkness. Your radiance is bringing you universal bounties and blessings. If you have been feeling lack luster lately know that there is a vibrant, shimmering light shining within you. Open your heart to receive blessings. AQUARIUS : Don’t hesitate and take action. Don’t postpone implementation of ideas, projects or business ventures. Stand tall, raise your fits into the sky and leap into action. Victory is within reach. Action creates momentum. The actions you take now will reap amazing results in future. Face fears, act with courage to embrace success. PISCES : Believe that you are noble, brave and stronger. Stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves. You need to hold your esteem high and stand for what you believe in even if you are alone. You will get the divine support if you are on the side of truth, justice and fairness. Be a leader of justice and truth for all. God bless all. Love, Light and Peace. Namaste. Take care. Keep smiling. Chant (OM) 108 times…
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 21:40:01 +0000

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