Zohar Haazinu: 195. The whole desire of the male, WHICH IS - TopicsExpress


Zohar Haazinu: 195. The whole desire of the male, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, towards Malchut is here IN ZION. It is called a blessing since from there blessings are issued to all the worlds and everyone is blessed. This place, ZION, is called holy, and all holies, NAMELY THE HOLY LIGHTS of the male, WHO IS ZEIR ANPIN, entered there the grade I mentioned, ZION and all emerge from the supernal head of the skull of the male from the aspect of the lofty brain lobes that rest in it. That blessing flows FROM THE BRAIN LOBES to all the body parts, CHESED, GVURAH AND TIFERET, to those called hosts (Heb. Tzevaot), NETZACH AND HOD, since all that plenty coming from the whole body is gathered there IN NETZACH AND HOD. Hence they are called hosts, since all the higher and lower hosts IN THE THREE WORLDS OF BRIYAH, YETZIRAH AND ASIYAH come out from them, FROM NETZACH AND HOD. And after that plenty gathers there IN NETZACH AND HOD it is placed in holy Yesod, which is entirely white, which is why it is called Chesed. That Chesed enters the holy of holies, as written, for there Hashem has commanded the blessing, even life forever more.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 16:03:37 +0000

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