Zouave Jacket This type of open-fronted, short jacket became - TopicsExpress


Zouave Jacket This type of open-fronted, short jacket became popular in the mid-19th century. It was often called a Zouave jacket after the uniform of French army regiments first raised in 1831 in Algeria and recruited from the Zouaoua (or Zwāwa), a tribe of Berbers, the indigenous ethnic groups living in North Africa. During the Crimean War (1853 – 1856) the Zoaves first fought outside of Algeria. The jacket was part of a group of objects donated by two sisters in 1937. According to a note in the file, one of them remembered this worn during the sixties with a loose thin white blouse, called a Garribaldi & dark skirt, probably merino, which was a popular material then, finished with a wide lace collar, brooch and long gold watch chain. I think the jacket may be French and date 1864-6 as Clara Pitt then journeyed to San Remo and used to return with French outfits, & French presents and gay things for small nieces and nephews. Clara Pitt (1824-1910) was the daughter of George Ashby Pitt (c. 1782-1832) and Ann Lonsdale (1786-1860) and presumably was the aunt of the two sisters donating the jacket. Hide Production Date: c. 1865 - See more at: collections.museumoflondon.org.uk/Online/object.aspx?objectID=object-484465&start=9&rows=1#sthash.1ExL3ECv.dpuf (Museum of London) - See more at: theebonswan.blogspot/2014/10/another-zouave-jacket-ca-1865.html#sthash.3KQcRDTA.dpuf Pin it here: pinterest/pin/269230883949738436/ Here: pinterest/pin/269230883949738433/ Then here: pinterest/pin/269230883949738431/ Probably here too: pinterest/pin/269230883949738430/
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 14:58:43 +0000

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