Zouaves The Zouave of the French Army was originally recruited - TopicsExpress


Zouaves The Zouave of the French Army was originally recruited in the 1830s from native North African troops but the units were soon made up entirely of Europeans. The Zouave seemed the “beau-ideal of a soldier,” as General George B. McClellan described him. They enjoyed a reputation of being recklessly brave on the battlefield, as though warfare was merely a game and their lives simply the table stakes. They were members of an elite unit with an esprit de corps which bound them together as a family, with the regimental commander known as “Father” among the Zouaves, as the family head. They were also bound together by their distinctive dress. The Arab-inspired short jacket, baggy trousers and fez were key parts of their identity.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 06:25:46 +0000

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