Zuhair ibne Qain al-Bajali was a Kufan. He was a committed Uthmani - TopicsExpress


Zuhair ibne Qain al-Bajali was a Kufan. He was a committed Uthmani and would have nothing to do with the Shiahs. Hussains caravan was moving slowly towards Kufa. Zuhair had gone for hajj and was returning to Kufa. It so transpired that at place called Zarud the two caravans met. Zuhair learnt that the Imams caravan was but a short distance away but it did not occur to him to go and pay his respects. Then in the early hours of the evening a messenger came to Zuhair and said, Aba Abdillah Hussain ibne Ali (a.s) has sent me to ask you to come to him. A companion of Zuhair reports that they were all astounded. Zuhair remained seated. His wife came to him and said, O Zuhair the Grand Son of the Holy Prophet has summoned you and you take no heed ! Zuhair got up and went over to Imams camp. No one knows what conversation took place between the two. One can only surmise that this must have been Imam Hussains yet another foray into amr bil maruf (ordering for acknowledged virtues) and nahyi anil munkar (forbidding from sin). All we know that when Zuhair returned to his caravan his face, as Tabari puts it, was radiant and cheerful. He dismissed his companions and told his wife that had decided to go with his Imam to what may well turn out to be a certain death. She was free to return home. Zuhair remained with Hussain (a.s). On the Ashura day, in the morning encounter, he fought bravely reciting his rajas, God has purified our souls and has guided us. When someone taunted him that he was not a Shiah but an Uthmani, he retorted, But now seeing me with Hussain (a.s) you must recognise that I am a Shiah of Ali. At Zuhr prayers when the Holy Imam was leading salatul Khauf and the arrows continued to be shot at him, Zuhair offered to stand in front of Imam to protect him. He would smile as he intercepted an arrow shot at Hussain (a.s) by receiving it his chest. Imam concluded the prayers and Zuhair fell dead. Thirteen arrows had pierced his life out of him. He was a person whose conscience had been aroused by amr bil maruf (ordering for acknowledged virtues) and nahyi anil munkar (forbidding from sin) and he died protecting that great Ibadah (Worship) - The Salah (Prayers). Zuhayr ibn Qayn is best known for his participation in the Battle of Karbala. Despite the fact that he did not want to even speak to Husayn ibn Ali (a.s), he eventually spoke to him when his tribe met his companions and his wife influenced him into speaking with Husayn (a.s). After meeting Husayn (a.s), Zuhayr got amazed by the content of his character. After this event he got so happy with Husayn (a.s), that he volunteered to join his army against the forces of Yazid, led by Umar ibn Saad. When Umar ibn Sad cut off the water supply (as ordered by Kufas governor Obayd-Ullah ibn Ziyaad), for Husayn (a.s) and his companions, Zuhayr asked the army if he could bring some water to Husayn (a.s), his family and his companions. The army did not allow this, but said that he could drink some water himself as long as he does not bring any to Husayn (a.s) and his family. Zuhayr refused saying: It is a sin for me to drink while the holy Imam and his family are thirsty. After gatheration of his armies Yazid ended up with at least 40 000 Men, who were placed under the command of Umar ibn Sad. Husayns army had only 72 companions, all of whom did not eat or drink for 3 days. Their supply was cut off at the Third day of Muharram, one of the holy months in Islam, At the Tenth Day the Battle of KARBALA took place.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 00:19:07 +0000

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