Zulhilmi’s 707 Guide to Oneself These sets mostly reflects me - TopicsExpress


Zulhilmi’s 707 Guide to Oneself These sets mostly reflects me in most instances and it shall be divided into major/primary and minor/secondary. So here goes: Set 5 (Major) You value a logical and scientific approach and prefer something to be substantiated before you rely on it. Collaboration and teamwork are your preferred ways of working. You have a commitment to lifelong learning and are attracted to the idea of full-time guiding learning in a new discipline. You have a good eye for detail. Compromise is not something you find easy or even something you much respect. You are idealistic, loyal and honest, if inclined towards a philosophical detachment that means you sometimes feel the need to withdraw or stand back. Simplicity is in your eyes a great quality. It sometimes comes as a surprise that not everyone agrees with you. Ideas, abstract concepts and plans may consume you to the point where others find it difficult to get close to you. You see little point in compromise and would prefer to see an idea through to its logical conclusion. On occasion you may have to force yourself to pay suitable attention to the world of daily life and appointments. You are not afraid to revise your views and embark on a radical overhaul of your assumptions and conclusions. you are capable of originality. When wrapped up in your thoughts you are prone to forgetfulness. Set 7 (Major) You ultimately have a very straightforward approach to life. You are creative and intelligent, but express your thoughts and creativity through tangible things. You see the past as at least as good as the present and you mistrust industrial processes that alienate and de-skill. You are socially aware and find the process of production as interesting as the product itself, and you most certainly don’t believe in change for its own sake. You have a strong sense of tradition. Necessity has shown that you can turn your hand to most things. But your thoroughness means that you yearn to truly master one thing. You take pleasure from the achievement of something that might appear to others as routine but that you see as something approaching perfection. You will not easily give up once you have embark on a project or a course of action. And you will work at something until it meets with your own meticulous standards. Set 1 (Minor) You have increasingly felt dissatisfied with your current situation. You have to accept it as what you have to do to survive but increasingly you feel frustrated by it and you know that in the long run you will need to start afresh. You have not always cared for the trappings of modern life but you have nevertheless collected a good many and now they hang a heavy around your neck. You find the impulse to get out and go somewhere, anywhere, almost irresistible. You know that the day approaches when you will need to cut yourself free and go and do something completely different. The good news is that, while you may not know what you want to do, you are willing to study or retrain and develop your skills further and this will help identify a pathway to your next adventure. Set 13 (Minor) Free you must be. You have itchy feet and often find yourself absorbed in dreams about faraway places. You pursue those dreams at every opportunity. You are counting the days to your next trip. Your favourite television is travel shows and you are an avid reader of travel books and magazines. If only you could travel more, or better still be paid to travel. Sooner or later you must follow your heart and make travel your career. All that is left is to decide whether you are a travel geek or a wannabe beach bum. Set 16 (Minor) You value the art of conversation and debate, and are adept in it. You find quickness of thought, wit, charm and humour attractive. An exchange of views is your oxygen and, while you try not to show it, you enjoy an audience. You will not submit to what you perceive as injustice and when necessary can be combative. While not deliberately setting out to do so, you often find that you have made yourself indispensable.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 16:51:45 +0000

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