Zvemumagitare part 38 SOMETHING TO FALL BACK ON Imagine this - TopicsExpress


Zvemumagitare part 38 SOMETHING TO FALL BACK ON Imagine this scenario:You are very broke,the landlord is angry,he wants his rent which is overdue,there is no food in the house,your daughter has been chased away from school because you havent paid her school fees...then you remember that you have a show today,you breathe a sigh of releif,maybe you can raise enough money to cover some of your problems,then you go to the gig,the unexpected happens:only 10people turn up,&6of them are fellow musicians who dont pay at the gate,the rest are waiters&venue staff.Thats when you see the importance of a fall back plan. The music industry is a serious gamble,its a gamble unpredictable than the casino,riskier than njuga&Lotto.Everything can go wrong for no reason at all,even after great planning. You can also be very talented yet it takes you years before anyone takes you serious.Its so heartbreaking when you sacrifice everything and yet everybody ignores your efforts focusing on a joker you think is useless.The boring part is that until you are taken serious there will be no money coming from music,so in order to cushion yourself i think it is a wise idea not to rush to be a fulltime musician before music starts paying&also to have something to fall back on when you start generating an income,whether you are a musician who is starting or even a succesful musician who has made it its not good to put all your eggs in one basket. TALENTED&DESPARATE When i started music for years i thought having a fallback plan was having no faith in your talent,but i learnt the hard way.In Zimbabwe there is a combination of fate that pleases a certain group of people,that combination is when you are talented&desparate,if you have that combination there are foxes&sharks ready to brain wash,drain you up,raise your hopes with fake promises&benefit from your talent whilst you get nothing in return till you are old,grey,poor,frustrated&angry,im sure you have met some people who used to be musicians who dont want to hear anything about the music industry anymore.The dangerous thing is you will even meet these foxes&sharks sometimes in very unlikely places like the church.These foxes&sharks will build their empires using your talent&skill whilst making you feel useless&making you depeandant on them,then selfishly spit you out like a tasteless bubblegum when they are done with you,kunatsotiThuuuuuuu. For those starting out,i encourage you not to rush into music fulltime,do it part time mbichana mbichana& have something else to generate some income whilst you are still finding your space in the industry,if you are employed dont be quick to quit your day job before your talent starts paying you enough to survive.If you are at school dont be quick to abandon school just because your friends tell you you have a bright future in the music industry,this industry is a jungle which looks very simple&friendly from the outside but inside ihuku inodya vana vayo. Koffi Olomide is one of the most educated Rhumba artists,he didnt quit his job till music started paying him more than what he was earning at work.If you take a look at very succesful musicians in the western world,those that pull thousands of fans to a single gig,who gets paid real money,they all have investiments,some invest within the music industry,some invest in the fashion industry etc,when their popularity goes down,it dosent go down with their finances,you wont see them begging for bread. Most Zimbabweans,including non musicians,have one great weakness,once money starts flowing in,instead of investing,the first thing they think of is marrying more women,some do it officially,some have many concubines that we call small houses,which are just parasites who are just there to destroy the money,when their fortunes go down the concubines are nowhere to be found.When you start making money,your wish must be to grow that money into the next stage which is wealth,wealth is that you can leave your children when you die.Of course our economy is bad,you might not be able to create wealth,but just cushion yourself. When everything is going your way in showbiz sometimes it seems like you will remain on top forever,but in most cases fame is seasonal,today its you,tomorrow its another artist asina kana basa futi but the people will just embrace his talent&all of a sudden he is man of the moment&no one sees you anymore. When i was a member of the black spirits,i made a very small investiment in my little studio,Instead of concetrating on bling bling i used to buy stuff everytime we went on tour as well as save.when we were laid off without notice or warning in 2007 even my landlord at the time turned against me,as soon as he read about it in the paper he issued me with a notice instantly because he thought i wouldnt afford the rent anymore.My phone rang constantly as some artists were calling me to come join their bands,but i told them to relax&assured them i was ok.Of course its a small investiment which dosent generate huge corporate profits but it helped cushion me financially,the only difference is simply that im not flying as often as i used to when i was in the band,but financially i was not affected at all. So bhorapasi vemagitare
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 05:01:17 +0000

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