Zydeco, our beloved golden retriever, embarked on a journey to - TopicsExpress


Zydeco, our beloved golden retriever, embarked on a journey to that Great Pizza Place in the Sky at 9:15 a.m., November 21, 2014. A take-out pizza box entering the house was cause for almost debilitating tail-wagging and prodigious drooling. Pizza was one of the few things (well, ok, food in general--but especially pizza) that trumped Zydecos unconditional love for us. Zydecos favorite food was pizza , but she she would eat almost anything. I loved it when she would join me in the garden as I weeded, or harvested vegetables; but I always had to be on the lookout for her trying to steal raspberries, tomatoes, or asparagus (after Id picked them, of course). If I denied her thieving ways in the garden, she would go to Plan B--the compost, where she had learned to always follow the white bucket from under the kitchen sink whenever it went out the back door. If Zydeco was anywhere in the house, there was no way I could successfully sneak out with the bucket--she always knew. Zydeco was an exceptional dog, a perfect companion for our growing boys, and a calming stress-reliever during the many hectic and chaotic family times. One of her greatest virtues was that she had no vices. She didnt stray from the yard, or chase cars--or even bicycles. She didnt jump up on people or bite, and she only barked to come inside or when an unfamiliar vehicle pulled into the driveway. She got along well with other animals, and didnt chew on furniture or shoes. But the best example of her restraint was the time when half of a pizza was left on the coffee table, right at dog level -- overnight! -- and was still all there in the morning. Of course, she was rewarded with a yummy pizza breakfast... Our boys grew up with Zydeco, and she worked her way deep into their hearts--and ours. She was a best friend to all of us, and was loved by everyone who knew her, even those who were unsure of their feelings about dogs. Zydeco was the dog that made me, a former cat person, Into a bona-fide dog lover. Now that our boys are grown, I was afraid that Zydecos absence would unravel one of the threads that tied us all together; but then I realized that all of our memories of her with us are interwoven and bring us even closer together. Zydeco is gone, but she was an important part of our lives and we will always remember the beautiful spirit that she was, with a cowlick that was there from the day we met her, and a name that came from a happy and joyful kind of Cajun music. Zydeco, thats how Ill always remember you--as a joyful, happy music in our lives. Zydeco Blue 5/5/1999 - 11/21/2014 Rest in Peace, Sweet Dog From Dave: I have two mental images of Zydeco Id like to share. These are not specific things, just typical routine Zydeco stuff. These are images that will remind me of the love that animals (two and four legged) can share. Picture Door County in July. The place is filled with memories for me. Here are two more that will haunt me and maybe bring a tear alongside the laughter and fun that is ubiquitous at North Bay. 1) Patty and Terry are gathering dogs, leashes, collars, aqua socks and other paraphernalia. Its baywalk time. Zydeco paces anxiously at at the edge of the yard. She doesnt run down to the bay. She cant wait…She waits. When we all start walking towards the water, she lopes on ahead. Then she stops and looks back over her shoulder to see that were coming. Shes the best dog. 2) Lets walk to the end of the road. I get the old black roller leash and call Zydeco. She gets up from the lawn in the front yard where shes been sound asleep since the baywalk. Shes anxious to go. As we walk in the road, I dangle the leash in front of her. She grabs the end of the leash in her teeth, shakes her head and lets out a low growl. As we walk on, she walks proudly with her tail and head held high. Her ears are up and shes smiling! She still has the leash in her mouth. Shes taking me for a walk--leashed! Shes the best dog. Chris and Crystal came from Milwaukee last night to say goodbye to Zydeco. Here is what Chris offered as his tribute to Zydeco: I always loved how Zydeco was just always there, with you, and for you, when necessary. Especially when I had breaks from college, I loved coming home to her because she was always so genuinely happy to have me back. And in high school, she was always there to pick me up when I was down and celebrate with me when I was happy. And before that, in her puppyhood, there was nothing better than bringing her along to the Merrimac Flames Little League baseball games, where she always ended up stealing the show and just brought joy to so many people--especially kids, it seemed. Zydeco was an incredibly tolerant, patient, and friendly dog. Truly she was an ideal Lendved dog; Zydeco was social, loved her family, and wanted food. She really did possess every quality that you could possibly hope for a member of your family to possess. No animal could have shaped a humans life as Zydeco did mine, and for that, I am truly thankful. Nolan is in North Carolina and wasnt able to be here, but sent some words from his heart: Some words for the greatest dog ever: To Zydeco, the Wonder Dog, Zy, Buddha Dog, My Girl, You have been ever so much more than a best friend. You made a family whole, did your part to raise four unruly pups (five if you count Dad), and have been a more than adequate floor cleaning and excess food disposal system. My brothers and I may argue about who the favorite of the family is, but we all know its you, and with good reason: always gentle, the best listener (even when you couldnt hear), a depth of caring, and perpetually a source of warmth, kindness, and a good laugh. At your worst, even if your breath is less than pleasant, your heart is always golden. I have marveled at the simplicity and infinity of your love -- never conditional, never reserved, always present, and always tangible. Maybe its stupid to ascribe so much agency and humanity to a dog, but Ill be damned if every word isnt true and if there isnt a lot to be learned from you. Youre the best, and I hope we always treated you that way. I wish I could be there for you now, but I know you deserve the easiest passing, a gentle end to a good, full, and gentle life. It just pains me to know that there are still so many rocks in North Bay. I love you Zydeco, thank you for everything, and Ill miss you forever. Love, 2-legged, furless, big brother, treat-machine, belly-rub-machine, dog #5 (Nolan) John is in San Francisco, and related some memories of Zydeco to us: When we brought Zydeco home with us on July 10, 1999, we had a kennel set up and waiting for her. But since the kennel was downstairs, and we all sleep upstairs, we were concerned about leaving her alone on her first night home. So John immediately volunteered to sleep alongside the kennel--not for just one night, but two! That did the trick, and the kennel became Zydecos bed and safe place. A few days later, we found John and Zydeco cuddled up together, asleep on the deck outside. They truly had a special bond. Casey, our resident photographer extraordinaire, shared some of his photos of Zydeco. His love for her was also evidenced in his choosing to include her in his graduation photo. He also had this to say: I don’t know if there’s a heaven. But I do know that every dog that ever was is more deserving of it than any person that there will ever be. A dog is loyal to a fault, compassionate and selfless. A dog is the only creature on this earth that will always love others more than itself. Everyone who has had a dog thinks that their dog is or was the best dog in the world. And everyone who says that is right. Our dogs are a part of who we are, and they are among the best things in our world. I had to say goodbye to my best friend for the last fifteen years. Goodbye, Zydeco.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 17:54:40 +0000

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