_((JOHN 2:18))**((DANIEL 9:27))_ ***IDENTIFYING THE ANTI- - TopicsExpress


_((JOHN 2:18))**((DANIEL 9:27))_ ***IDENTIFYING THE ANTI- CHRIST***1-11*** ***(U.S.)NEW MYSTERY BABYLON!*** ***(U.S.)NEW SODOM AND GOMORRAH!*** (((WHO IS THE ANTI- CHRIST???))) REVELATION 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which ((deceiveth the whole world)): he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. As the great deceiver, Satan(Lucifer) has deceived the whole world with the great lie with which he evidently deceived himself in the beginning--namely, that God is not really the Creator, Sustainer, and Judge of all things, and that, consequently, both men and angels can reject His Word, rebel against His rule and ultimately aspire to be "gods" themselves. This lie finds its only rationale in the false premise of evolution, the idea that the universe always existed or exists independently of a Creator and is able to evolve itself into higher and higher orders of being. This lie may take the form of either atheism or pantheism, but both deny God and His revealed truth of special creation. With it, Satan has deceived the whole world, in every age and culture since the creation…. THE BOILING FROG % RISES TO 75% AND THIS IS BECAUSE OF INFORMATION AND REVELATION I RECEIVED TODAY AND NOTHING TO DO WITH SYRIA/U.S. AS OF “YET!” LET’S PRAY TO THE FATHER AMEN, FATHER WE COME TO YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST GIVING YOU ALL THE PRAISE AND GLORY AND THANKING YOU FOR YOUR DAILY GRACE AND MERCY AMEN. FATHER WE PRAY FOR SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE AND SPIRITUAL STRENGTH AS WELL AS REVELATIONS OF THE WORD AMEN. FATHER WE PRAY THAT YOU DIRECT MY PATH DAILY IN A WORLD FULL OF ENEMIES AND WOLVES IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING AMEN. FATHER WE PRAY FOR SPIRITUAL EYES TO SEE THE UNSEEN AS WELL AS WE PRAY FOR SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT AMEN. FATHER WE PRAY THAT WE AS CHRISTIANS COME TOGETHER AS BROTHERS AND SISTERS AND STOP BEING DIVIDED AS CHRISTIANS AND GOSSIPING ABOUT ONE ANOTHER AMEN. FATHER WE PRAY FOR THE LOST SOULS AND THOSE THAT ARE IN BONDAGE BY THE ENEMY THAT THE POWER OF GOD BREAKS THEM FREE WITH PRAYER AMEN. FATHER WE PRAY THAT ALL ENEMIES KNOW THAT SATAN(LUCIFER)(THE ENEMY!) IS ALREADY DEFEATED IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST AMEN, AMEN AND AMEN! STAY TUNED FOR PART 2
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 01:00:14 +0000

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