_/\_ PRAY FOR PEACE IN DRC ! _/\_ TO END THE SUFFERING OF SO MANY INNOCENTS. (click on see more ... i wish i could adopt this angel, ... i believe his mother was probably kidnapped by one of the terrorists groups, he is not a starving baby, he was left behind to die. ( that´s what i think about this pic ). click on ´see translation´to read this article. VERY IMPORTANT. Recreate the Congo and rebuild the soul of the nation around the Congolaises values and African. Impetus of unity is necessary so that together we are working for a common goal, that of making our country a sovereign and independent State that would offer his people the chance equal opportunities implemented before and would ensure an equitable redistribution of national harmony wealth and the well-being of all. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=701358779921764&set=a.591139304277046.1073741825.331265826931063&type=1&theater ABANDONED BABY ON SIDE OF ROAD *** Jay Drosin: My Dear Jean Claude, you will note I applaud your efforts, every movement begins with a dream, but every dream becomes a nightmare when it is confounded with reality, The reality of the Congo, in which I have lived ten years, worked all over, saved thousands of lives, dealt with local and central governments and ministries tells me that only through change can the people benefit. My problem is that I see no one who can bring positive change, I see no strength in solutions so far, I see the strength only in the people who in the end will unlikely rise up and force change, I am with you, I am with anyone willing to contribute to the well being of the population as I have, I just dont believe that the root causes are being addressed as bad governance and misled donors, I look for tangible and pragmatic, implementable solutions. I just left the Congo once again in past August and see little change if any at all. I wish you strength and good luck. Tell me only one thing, just who do you feel can put the country to rights and make it one, like Papa did, despite all his faults. Good Luck. *** Jay Drosin: Thank you UNICEF and so many others, let all those sitting comfortably in their warm, secure homes after a holiday meal, far from war, starvation, humiliation, rape and mayhem remember there is another world, one that I have shared for 28 years in Africa, that still remains the same in every part of the world, where oppression and tyranny reign. Think of them and in any small way, attempt to do the impossible, bring change. Dr. Jay A. Drosin, African Consulting Services- T: 1407 668 4223- M: 14073417852
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 10:27:08 +0000

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