___ Thimerosal, Aluminum Salts, Sugars, Egg Protein, Formaldehyde, - TopicsExpress


___ Thimerosal, Aluminum Salts, Sugars, Egg Protein, Formaldehyde, and Neomycin. Thimerosal – a derivative of mercury. Mercury is known to be very toxic but for some reason it is “safe” in small doses. Neomycin – causes kidney damage but, like thimerosal, is said to be “safe” in small doses (Information on mercury and neomycin was from Wikipedia). ___ The ingredients above came from the CDC website: cdc.gov/vaccines/parents/vaccine-decision/ingredients.html ___ The CDC also has a page devoted to mercury that states the toxicity and effects. Then on that same page it states how thimerosal is an “effective preservative”. Take a look: cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/concerns/thimerosal/thimerosal_faqs_mercury.html ___ If there are people in a laboratory playing with these viruses and re-introducing them to the public, they will have an ongoing business at the expense of our Nation’s health. ___ The families that lost this case still have options. We will be in bad shape if the government can hold someone down and force them or their children to take substances against their will. What is really scary is that I have talked to people who think this is OK. ___ Lastly, I don’t remember where I read or heard this, but there is a movement by the vaccine industry to limit the listing of ingredients or use generic names… something along the lines of items not needing to be listed based on the percentage contained in the formula. ___ The food industry is already doing this. A little while ago I saw an article that said vanilla is made from castoreum which comes from a beaver’s anal glands. The ingredient is listed as “natural”: foxnews/science/2013/10/02/beaver-butts-emit-goo-used-in-vanilla-flavored-foods/ Well, a horse’s shaft is natural too, but that doesn’t mean I want it in my ice cream.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 00:12:11 +0000

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