___YES Bill .. There Really Are UFOs and They Dont Resemble the - TopicsExpress


___YES Bill .. There Really Are UFOs and They Dont Resemble the Crap US black projects are producing .. But WTF does The BIG Picture Matter to Dimwitted Sheeple Gushing Over the World Series and or their girl friends legs etc, and or a couple folks losing their Heads via the Muzzies in Distant Lands .. RATHER THAN .. Rising Up and Taking Down the NWO Hijackers of Amerika, now firmly in Control of DC, NATO, the UN, The Media, The Main Banks, the US Congress and ALL Earths Countries with the exception of two or three.. ie .. Iran, NKorea, Russia, Iceland and if there are Others.. please inform We Readers via a post or comment backed by reasonable sources.. AND Back to the UFO Topic .. Earth has several so-called UFO sources .. the most prominent are the OGCs (Orange Globe Cats -- ie -- Glowing basket ball sized ((generally)) living craft) (commonly mistaken as BALL lightning Elmos Fire ... Foo Fighters .. etc) Not even Close ..rather these OGCs are a ancient race of beings that closely resemble the idea of ANGELS and or Are The Angels.. The OGCs are masters of translating matter into energy and back again with no loss to either .. OGCs do sometime Klump together in various geometric Patterns aka triangles, diamonds, circles etc ... Changing colors from the standard shade aka Orange to silver, black multi colored groups of lights etc .. allowing the ignorant of Earth to miss-report what was really above em .. When in the Gospels --- folk ask Jesus Christ to call down his Fathers Angels to destroy the evil JEW of the Era .. It must be understood .. JCs Angels were the OGCs and JC was not just a man or a Son of God .. rather a OGC himself taken on a Human Form for the Purpose of Preparing We Preppers and Enlightened Two Legged Wonders to the Coming .. ie .. the OGCs aka Gods Angels Deploying on various Locations to ELIMINATE The Hives of Darkness .. Yes to Openly Answer the Many Messages and emails asking if I Have Seen the OGCs and or have some Relationship with same .. the Answer is a SOLID YES .. Recall: Never attempt to shoot a OGC and or a Group of OGCs .. for they Will in an Instant STING YOU DEADER THAN NEWSPRINT .. and the results is Ugly to Whomever is with You at the time... OGCs Will Again Battle for Their Homeland aka EARTH .. Yes OGCs are easily Understood to be the OG Native Folk of Earth and Do NOTE .. OGCs dont damage, Remove and or alter Earths resources .. They Live in Harmony with The Living Sphere and Mother to Us All .. EARTH .. Of Course.. There is Much More to Who What and Why OGCs .. but .. Lets You .. Again try to Swallow this INFO .. and Promise More exact Info When Youre Ready .. In the below Phoenix Lights pics .. disregard those where the imagination of idiots reported solid shapes outside and or surrounding / encompassing the OGCs .. its nothing but two legged idiots allowing their minds to enhance the specific scene before em .. https://google/search?q=phoenix+lights&client=firefox-a&hs=tzP&sa=X&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=sb&biw=1920&bih=969&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ei=0mdPVJzVNoOYyQS47IHwAQ&ved=0CCkQsAQ
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 10:38:00 +0000

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