____Like before Reading____ Fiction: ***The start of my end - TopicsExpress


____Like before Reading____ Fiction: ***The start of my end *** Chapter n°2 : Jess that was her name and that was my destination. And she just leaved with her dad without saying a word, but at least I gave her my phone number she will may call me, I was waiting for my phone to ring one day, I was waiting for her voice but seems like she forgot me I was hoping that she take her cell and just dial that number but that hope was disappearing day after day so was I, I just couldn’t forgot her smile I simply can’t forget my jess, until one day I woke up to see a missed call, it wasn’t even a Tunisian one! Then she immediately comes up to my mind again. I called her: -Allo! Hey! Is that Ousaama? Hello!... It was that voice, that feeling and that heart beat, I didn’t know what to say! -Hey yeah that’s me -Oh thank God! I was afraid you will may forget about me bro -No I didn’t jess -Jessica klein my full name you can search for my profile on Facebook now! -Okay wait and I am Oussama ch’erni!.... Yeah I found you I just sent a friend request. -I received it! Now I need to go I will text you later -Okay bye! I didn’t wait for that later So I texted her immediately And that’s how everything starts: “-Hey. -Holaaa! -Ahahaha, That’s my word :p -I know :3 so how are you ? -Great what about you? ^^ -I’m fine so I guess you own me some pictures -Yeah I guess so! “ That was our first conversation with that friendly “hey” all changed between us, we used to talk every day than every hour till I felt like she is a part of me a part of my life and that’s what she felt too she’d been telling me every single detail! It’s like I was her diary! She wrote everything happened to her since her childhood until this day and I think she is still writing and she will write forever. I knew that she is a 16 years old, she had a younger brother that she didn’t see him for more than 6 years and she is a daughter of divorced parents, she had that raff life she was pretty outside but Broken in the inside, that was the best part, we made one heart one human she gave me the power and I did the same we were two broken pieces she completed me. We were texting each other for one year and I was hiding this feeling I was her friend but she was my girlfriend I didn’t want to ruin our friendship I can’t’ live without her but in the same time I can’t pretend anymore. “Facebook conversation” .... -ahahahahahaha, Lol u r crazy ukr? “Jess” - OFC I am! Crazy enough to LOVE you -Yeah dear friend -No by love I mean real love -Hein ? o.O -to be honest ? I was hiding this feeling for a whole year I just now wanna tell u that I truly love you I love u jess -I dunno what to say! I mean we are supposed to be friends :’) -I can’t be just a friend with you I can’t pretend it anymore! I Love I care for you more than you think I want to be with you I want to finish my life with you. And then she didn’t text me back for a while I was so sad and drown in my regret ... Hope u like this chap ^^ and wait for the next
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 11:46:14 +0000

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