_______________________ Mike Holland November 1 at 7:29am A - TopicsExpress


_______________________ Mike Holland November 1 at 7:29am A lighter fare for Saturday: Here it is, time change Sunday. The day the government intervenes in our lives once more. They say that in the Fall you “gain” an hour and in the Spring you “lose” it. Just like the government to take something they don’t have and appear to be generous when they give it back. Time is something that God instituted when He created the world and gave us 24 hour solar days. Time is not something that should be trifled with, especially since it is something that we have and God doesn’t. With God there is no yesterday or tomorrow, there is just the eternal present. God gave us time as a tool by which we could judge life and the brevity of it. Time is to be a tool to remind us that life is too short to be wasted foolishly. We are to use it to prepare for eternity where time is no more. They claim that by changing our clocks they are saving us daylight. Well, first off, they aren’t saving anything. The 24 hour solar day is the same as it has always been. Second, who told them I needed to save daylight? I can’t even save money and I know I need it! Plus, how do they know that we don’t like night time? I admire moonlight, especially when I can enjoy it with my Charlotte. What gives them the right to cut off romantic time with my wife? I’m over 60 years old and we’ve been married over 40 years and I need all the romantic moments that I can get before I am too old to take advantage of them or remember what they are for! Here’s a wild suggestion for those “time saving do-gooders”; why can’t they put the time change at 5:00 pm on Fridays? After all, people are just sitting there watching the clock anyway. That would definitely get the weekend off to a good start. No one would be tired and they could get through all the rush hour traffic in time to watch the sun go down and the moon come up. Also, how are they saving us time when you have to go around wasting time resetting the time on your clocks, your watches, your stoves, your microwaves, your coffee makers, your cars and your DVRs? It takes more than an hour just to get all that done. God gave us time. A lifetime made up of 24 hour days that we should use in knowing and serving Him. May we use our time more wisely. ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 08:55:33 +0000

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