a HAPPY FRIDAY to ALL...what a day was yesterday...had plans to go - TopicsExpress


a HAPPY FRIDAY to ALL...what a day was yesterday...had plans to go to Starbucks...routine Dr. follow-up visit...then spend time with the new baby...so up early and out the door we go...starbucks was great...then in early to doctor...and then...blood tests needed...ultra sound of leg to make sure there was not a blood clot...then being sent to have an xray of the right hip...thought we still would be able to spend time with Robs family and new great niece...but thunder started...so I am sitting in front of a wall of glass watching the storm come in...when the parking lot lights started to swing back and forth we herded the people into the back hallway...and POOF...out goes the lights...after like 45 min to an hour...they unlocked the doors to let those who want to leave to get out...so as we emerge from the sliding doors to survey the damage, it was awful...trees across the street snapped in half...limbs and branches every where...the building across the street had its doors blown in and part of roof taken off...power out every where...driving down road to get out of town so amazed at the damage...straight line winds...but poor Jonesboros downtown area was trashed...stage for festival messed up...awnings ripped and laying on cars and ground...sections of roofs hanging high above and on the ground...so sad...people just standing outside the buildings trying to figure out what next and helping to pick debris up...and to think...it was only supposed to be a routine follow up visit...so your thinking how is this a happy thought...well we were not hurt...we were able to walk and get out...the car was not smashed like so many we saw along the way...seeing people pulling together to help clean up debris in downtown area restores faith in humanity...so yes...it is a happy thought...as I say several times in these posts... expect the unexpected...if I was not sent for all the tests, we could have been driving when storm hit...so today...dont stress when your plans do not go like you want...there is a reason and a time for everything to happen...but while you go through your day pass on smiles...pass on hellos...and belly laugh because you can...
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 11:23:05 +0000

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