a christmas carol page 1 Monera: Augh, (singing) Deck the Claus - TopicsExpress


a christmas carol page 1 Monera: Augh, (singing) Deck the Claus of have some funding, (sigh) there ya go! (looking at the tree ah, there ya go, all perfect! gentle here, (looks up) wow, the star looks beautiful! weeh! (slide down the letter) okay jack, the tree is done! what do ya think? Jack: (playing SkullGirls) Come on, Come on, Come on, Come on, EEEUUGGHH!!! Narrator: Cut! Jack: YES!! I DID IT, I DID IT!!! WOOHOO!!!! ...eh.. huh? what ya say Monera? Monera: I said that the Tree is done! Jack: (Looks at her Holiday outfit) um... Monera, How come you Dress like a Complete idiot? Monera: is Christmas Jack! everyones almost Dress like an idiot. Jack: (sigh) they has start to go & remind me Monera... Monera: of what? Jack: I HATE CHRISTMAS!!! Monera: you Hate Christmas?! since when? Jack: Oh, since Forever & ever, Ive always Hate Christmas, I mean, dont you know that Monera? Monera: No, W-why you hate Christmas so much? Jack: (sigh) M-Monera, dont you Remember What Happen Last Year? Monera: no Jack: well... it was Christmas Morning... (Last Year on Christmas Eve 2012...) Roger: Alrighty Jack, Open your Present! Jack: sweet, I love getting some Presents! (chuckle a little) I wonder whats inside? Oh I cant wait to see whats inside (open up the present) ... you got me a fruitcake Roger? Roger: yesurito! isnt it great? Jack: (growl) I F***ING HATE FRUITCAKES!!! Jack: & also, our very 1st Christmas, when I was a little bit Pathetic... (22 years of christmas...) Baby Monera: Jack, heres you present! Baby Jack: Oh? you got me a fruitcake? Baby Monera: Yeah, thats a fruitcake! do you like it? Baby Jack: No, I hate Fruitcakes! Jack: & thats why I hate Christmas, always Gives Fruitcakes! Monera: ... Jack: you know what Monera, Im gonna Sleep all day Tomorrow, Okay? see ya on Boxing Day Monera! (walks away) Monera: (sniff) mmmmm... (sniff) Why Jack? Why do you always have to be like this?! Jack: (sigh) Stupid Monera! Christmas is just so pointless you Know, I hated so Much!!! (Jump on his Bed) D@mn it!! I hate Christmas so Much!!! (sigh) YKW Im gonna sleep always, Gonna sleepin & roll up nice & tight, so I wont be Woking up! (Later that Night...) Jack: (Sleeping) Jeff: ...Jack... Jack: (Still Sleeping) Jeff: ...JACK... Jack: (wakes up) hmmm... wha...? Jeff: ...JAAACK... Jack: ...Jeff? whats that you? Jeff: yes, it is me Jack. Jack: Holy Crap, I cant believe it! youre Alive Jeff OMG!!! Jeff: Glad to see you too, but theres just one thing I forgot to tell you? Jack: huh? whats that? Jeff: Im not alive, Imma Ghost! Jack: ...no youre not, youre not a ghost... Jeff: YES I AM A**HOLE!!!! Jack: Woah! okay, I believe you! Jeff: good, now Ive come to worned you... Jack: huh? whats that? Jeff: well Ive come to worned you that youll be visit by 3 Spirits tonight, understand? Jack: What? Why?! Jeff: because, if you hate christmas, then these spirits well teach you a Lesson!!! good luck jack, I hope these spirits can change your ways (flies away) Jack: No Jeff, dont go!! Jeff: OOOOOOOOH WOOOOOOOAUGH!!!! Jack: (Wakes up) Wah!! Oh, thank god it just a Dream! well at least Im having Nightmares of Jeff again, Oh that doesnt matter, Im going back to sleep (Sleeping) To be Continued...
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 02:41:07 +0000

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