a dont post as much on illuminati, because its so obvious noo, - TopicsExpress


a dont post as much on illuminati, because its so obvious noo, everybody really knows they just dont realise the depth of it, and how much power and control theyve got but this sparked this post, this clip is of Kevin hart, before n after, the first interview clip if before he gave up his manhood, took it up the bum, and sold his soul to the devil for fame, this is a bold claim but its backed up https://youtube/watch?v=imEL1NVAd8s he says there needs to be boundaries, he wouldny wear a dress, he sold his soul to the devil, and does whatever hes told after that lol so him saying he wouldny disny matter thats just point wan, look at the guys he rolls with, hes hangin wae p diddy, the king of the gay scene of rap, see Professor Griff and countless other insiders that will tell you about P Diddy and his gay sellout lifestyle, and a know saying look who hes hangin out wae will mean nutin, if you know nutin about the guys hes hangin out wae lol, basically there all in this same clique man, totally sold out yesterday mike epps, a comedian whos no where near the level of kevin hart, and whos evidently no sold his soul for the super fame boost, said kevin hart was overrated on a radio show, kev hart, and his pride am bigger than him whos he talkin tae ... responded by goin off the nut on twitter saying stuff and saying that mike epps is nae where near his level, he needs tae come n sell out some shows etc .... notice hes just bragging about the things he got fur selling his soul n his manhood for fame, well OBVIOUSLY, mike epps knows what he done fur fame, these guys know its like a known in the industry, go to guys like proffesor griff, people who are involved in the industry know what happens Mike Epps tweets him back saying tell everybody that you sacrificed your man hood for fame nigga, and you begged me to open up for me before you got on he tweets again and says if i put on a fress i would be more famous 2 hes obviously no going katt williams on this and blowing up the fact hes getting passed about for this fame, he was just in the heat of argument shooting at the truth, kev hart takes shots where he can, his wealth and success, and mike epps shoots at the truth kev hart sold out and dis wit hes told... mike tweeted later hollywood love indentured servants indentured is defined A contract binding one party into the service of another for a specified term. the world is secretly goverened by a satanic elite power, in every detail now they own and control it all, they started these big companies and now have like a lockdown on it, the entertainment industry is a complete propaganda machine, they buy and make these sell outs, and then put them in front of the masses and let them corrupt them by how they live... the entire music industry, locked down, movie industry, locked down, tv industry, locked down.. Woodrow Wilson is quoted an old president of the United States in 1913 said Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. Ex-Primeminister of United Kingdom Benhamin Disraeli, lived in the early 1800s, the main Illuminati plot was only devised in late 1700s so it was in full swing, and this primeminister was one of the most outspoken men against these secret societies... “The government of this country has not only to deal with governments, kings and ministers, but also with secret societies, elements which must be taken into account, which at the last moment can bring our plans to naught, which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, who incite assassinations and can if necessary lead a massacre.” -Benjamin Disraeli, at Aylesbury, Sept. 10, 1876 since that time, the central banks have been set up by these satanic elite, complete control has long been attained, and if your wondering why? n what the goal is? its something youl never expect... and its these fallen angel UFOs coming and changing the planet, these men who worship satan, contact the demons who are going to perform the entire delusion... they know.... the freemasons, the illuminati they know this is all coming towards the mingling of the seed of men ... right now... its all about corrupting the people to the point they will believe..... and were well beyond that now seriously were in the end times!! The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes. -Benjamin Disraeli, 1844 Benjamin knew, a know, and you better know, the devil wants you no having a clue, its A COMPLETE ILLUSION.... to keep you away from Jesus Christ, the devil wants you dead, and in hell, God wants you saved, forgiven, and in heaven.... so this entire play hes working, is against you personally, please dont be ignorant man! this is real! the devil is ireal! his agents on earth are real and there attack on you is real! but that means that Jesus payment, that the devil wants you ignorant ok is real aswell!! get saved man, dont die without it or youl regret it
Posted on: Sat, 03 May 2014 23:55:52 +0000

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