a friend wrote this, can i get some help answering him? A human - TopicsExpress


a friend wrote this, can i get some help answering him? A human being has developed an ego as a protection from conditioning, usually in a negative sense, so my position is that we try an get rid of ego without ever understanding what has brought us to this point in our life and we use every mean to protect ourselves. The thought, and the related fear arises due to the conditioning or ego, which has given us the false sense of security. Up to now I am fairly safe, but tomorrow is uncertain and I am frightened. The response of my whole being to that insecurity, that uncertainty of tomorrow is fear, and of course as you say, it is always a thought form. So here is my question for you. Why does the thought create fear. If I did not think about tomorrow, there would be no fear. The separation of what is and what might be is the cause of this fear, which is always uncertain. So thought breeds fear. So I feel that recognition of origination of these thoughts is helpful in separating fact from fiction. At this stage in my life, I depend on my warning signals that I am in locked into a thought process, and at times fail to differentiate between reality and thought, as the thoughts seem so real. But once the awareness manifests, there is a wonderful feeling quietness. Ultimately, at least for me, the true power is this quietness within, or like you said, acceptance of everything. Thought is the response of memory, accumulated knowledge, and out of that comes thought. Thought says, knowledge is my security, but one wants to be free of tomorrow, which is uncertain,, so what I am craving for is certainty of knowledge. I can analyze my past, I can understand it, , but I dont know tomorrow, therefore not knowing or not having knowledge makes me afraid. So, can thought have knowledge about something which it does not know? Why is thought thinking of tomorrow , about which it knows nothing? Because of this uncertainty, we dwell into pursuing of being in the present, or be aware of the reality, but as long as there is a wish, a want to be free of fear, free of tomorrow, the struggle will continue. How does one convince oneself that there is no tomorrow, and it is just a thought? I suppose we can go on and on about these issues in our own way of convincing ourselves that true pleasure lies only being in the present, but any kind of pleasure we seek, there is always pain associated with it, of course as a thought.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 22:30:32 +0000

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