a friendly discussion on ‘how to protest evil and struggle for - TopicsExpress


a friendly discussion on ‘how to protest evil and struggle for good’: (person-1,3,4 are non-Muslims and person-2 is a Muslim ) person-1: jihad is the internal struggle to determine what is healthy and good and Loving; and then to do it person-2: my loving brother, what you got to realize about the very term of Jihad, unfortunately many of we Muslims also dont even ready to understand. yes, this is the deeper root of Jihad (continuous self-correction). only defensive war/just war is justified as jihad at the last step while its a question of existence. like every Nation has its own strategy of engaging defensive war to protect itself from enemy side. but if you aint a true Muslim in heart (by self- correction/purification/internal jihad) how can you handle that external jihad? it turns terrorism in other way, or only terrorism against terrorism provokes more terrorism. and brings more devastating disasters (on mass people).. ....you have to read the holy Quranic verses contextually and to know about Prophet Muhammad SA pbuhs life. what he did in his earlier Makkaan life and then after migration to Madina. it will be the best example to understand Jihad. peace! person-3: Other religion didnt say to kill ..In hinduism.. Bhagavat gita commands to kill those who committed sins like trying to kill and stealing others wealth.. Etc..that too for some group of people shatriyas (soldiers ).. But not unbelievers .. Islam says many good things except those about unbelievers . For eg. Mother teresa was idol worshipper .. Will she go to hell ? Or people like her has to killed ? person-1: killing is wrong, no matter ones religion person-2: brother, what about state killing in name of war? what do you think we shouldnt/should pay for military and arms/ammunition/atom vombs etc? just asking. peace! person-1: war is wrong, it is mass insanity; Loving-Kindness is the path to peace,no bombs necessary person-2: what i think personally, and as a believer, Allah/God is always right whatever it is, in whenever it is, in past or present. we cant say there was the Divine/Natural injustice/cruelty for evil or war by which mankind made wrong in the past,or in present. we cant question about why morality isnt always in the same way/manner, why isnt it always good. its all about the divine decrees from Allah, the Almighty, the Highest, the all-Know-er how to shape His creation Humanity. we must know this life comes through as only a trial for mankind. so human civilizations are relatively achieving its goal through struggle between good/evil. one day inshaAllah we will get over evil by the strength of good and so get over the necessity of war and reach Peace on the Earth. Allah knows the best. person-1: Freedom is a human family without war person-2: we must keep in mind freedom is happily chosen by evil too. should we protest evil ? even by war against evil? person-1: war is evil,always person-2: even holy war? crusade? person-1: all war is evil, everyone loses in war, everyone person-2: how to protest evil? person-1: the word no is best, and being a Loving example of the Better Path person-2: by loving evil ? unconditional love for all isnt the ultimate solution? ..i am not meaning it Human souls..evil is different thing that possess a Human soul and compels him/her to do wrong/harmful things person-1: love the person, hate the evil deed person-2: sorry i cant love evil for sake of my so much loving to good. i can pray for evil possessed person, but cant love. person-1: love the person, hate the evil act person-2: i am ready even not to hate any Human soul. i will protest evil to establish good person-1: yes, love every human soul, and hate evil acts person-2: i meant it so..the person is meant to be Human soul person-1: yes, love every person, hate evil deeds person-2: we cant hate any Human soul, because its from Gods special gift for us... ....but evil makes a Human soul corrupt, we should struggle for those poor souls. person-1: yes, help the suffering to feel Love, to heal, to return to wellness person-2: if you visit few countries like Bangladesh, Myanmar, African countries and see poverty, inhuman situation prevailing in there..you will know what is evil actually, how powerful it is and really isnt enough only to hate (though i dont for hate) them, rather to actively protest evil to make any peace! ... .... evil wont count your favor of loving, some times its blind to cruel for sufferers person-1: yes, help the poor and suffering to live better lives, this is our command from G-d person-2: yes this is Gods command. but God ask me to protest evil too. person-1: the evil that is most important to say no to is the evil in our own minds person-4: If creation is not working what will creator do.... person-2: say for example, when you can see a person with a gun attempting to engage at a school gate, and you have your own licensed pistol and got to chance to target him before he do, what will be your best answer? convincing that evil act by loving word or to fight him back before any disaster? person-4: If we cant solve the problem at least we shouldnt create it.. The first simple step to be in the practices of being good to all creatures in the world.. person-2: (to person-1) that is self-purification, we say it Nafs-e Jihad.. ...btwy, how can you stop that criminal from engaging on my little kids? you have an immediate chance though.. person-4: is said if you have the options of 2 good deeds do 1 which has more benefit.. For example use of your gun against him .... If saves life of Innocent you our on path of religion... But if your self interest inter up you are doing sin.. person-2: Islam is so much practical, and so much spiritual as well. if you know about how to dhikr (remembering) /Sufism/self-correction /purification (Nafs.e-Jihad) in Islam, you will learn about its spiritual side. if you know about deen-e-Islam you will learn its practical side. person-1: i own no guns, and have no desire to own a gun ... good night, sleep calls person-2: (to person-4) exactly so Islam sanctions that what you said about.. ...(to person-1) you are escaping..well, good sleep brother. peace!.. ...(to person-4) , its an example. if you have a chance to protect evil by protesting an evil and if its not for your personal gain, Islam ask us do favor for good. .. heres a the holy Quranic verse in this connection, ..... Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, even after that, throughout the land, were transgressors. (Surah al-Maidah, verse 32) ....................................... its not all about everyone could realize the same Text in the same way, so avoiding many ambiguous things once gathered up in the head we at least can try to meet all in an accessible lobby of Love?
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 09:52:37 +0000

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