a lesson l learnt: we declare to God and ask for His help in - TopicsExpress


a lesson l learnt: we declare to God and ask for His help in loving Him with our heart, mind and soul and strength and that you will love your neighbor as you do yourself.....now, I have come to learn and I believe and accept that I can only devote the love of my heart, mind soul and strength to God, for that love belongs to and is only for God, and , that out of the love that God has for us and the love He embodies within us, enables us to love those people He places in our lives, to share this love with. now, the commandment says, and we declare, I will love my neighbor as I do myself....and while praying this declaration this morning, I became aware of a question...how do you love your self, what does it mean to love your self; still praying the answers came..that when we love ourselves...,that is...if I love myself, I will treat myself with respect and dignity, I will be patient and kind towards myself, I will be honest , forgive myself, protect and preserve myself , that is..i will eat healthily, exercise, cleanse my thoughts and think on what is good, pure, wholesome.., I will not exploit and abuse myself or allow myself to be abused or exploited by others, I will be gentle with myself, not push myself to extremes of fatigue, I will smile at myself and tell myself that I am unique and valuable in Gods eyes, that I matter to Him because He created me, I will dress well...may not be expensively, but look good outwardly and I will tell myself...I love you because God loves me with all He is. this list of ways to love myself, love yourself, can be exhaustive...most importantly, to me, ...to love yourself...is to LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL OF YOUR HEART, ALL OF MIND, ALL OF YOUR SOUL and ALL YOUR STRENGTH...then..you will love yourself and your neighbor as you do yourself. Have a smiling day and say to yourself, yes, even look in the mirror and say...I love you, because God loves you, you are fearfully and wonderfully made, in His image.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 06:08:59 +0000

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