a long post from bekahs blog...written just before she found out - TopicsExpress


a long post from bekahs blog...written just before she found out the auto transplant had failed: it thanks many important people in her life..... Wednesday, July 23, 2008 Before the world has its way... a thank you, or two. Before the results, come in tomorrow of weather or not this transplant was successful. I wanted to express my gratitude and thanks, to all of those who honestly put their heart and soul into me the last six months. Treatment, and even this part of recovery has been somewhat surreal. I cant even quite put it into words, just that, Im so very thankful, and still overwhelmed some days, that Im here -- and walking around. When just a few months ago, I could hardly gather enough energy to sit up right in a hospital bed. The human body, and spirit are truly amazing. And Im so thankful I had people in my life that felt MY life was worth their effort, through supporting me. Realistically, there are tons and tons of people to thank. Between last years treatment and this, and a part of me hopes I get to write thank you notes to each and every one of you. But most likely, if you are reading this now -- you were a part of this process. YOU are why, I am still here, and smiling. This will be somewhat geographical in order, if that makes sense: First and foremost, my extended family. The Rosans and the Fureys, my Uncle Jay and Aunt Bobbi, who led me in this direction of treatment, and the best care possible at Upenn, and also the emotional support and kick in the butt I needed to keep me going through the difficult patches of my treatments. And then, the Fureys -- on all ends, my grandparents for telling me I was beautiful, even on my roughest days, and visiting when they could. My Aunt Linda for supporting my mothers through this mess. And my cousins, for thinking of me. The ones who financially, let me live: Sheila, Sarah, and Vicky (The Curley School, Lesley University, and Neptune Beach Elementary), These three women, and the collective institutions/schools Ive worked/attended at, not only put together fundraisers for me, to pay for prescriptions, gas to and from Upenn, and other care, but sent an abundant amount of emotional support through cards, poetry, and their personal connections to make sure, I was still kickin ;) For these women, and the staff that work with them -- I thank you, so so much. Those crazy kids in Boston: To the ones who packed me up, and unpacked me. The ones who listened to my morphined thoughts, who cheered me on when I cried, and who kicked my butt hard (Nik), when I wanted to give up. Nik, Kate, Josh, Lynn, Em, Am, Kare, Timbo, Man, Sarah, Brock. I could never even begin, to thank you all enough. My forum Family: Good lord, without the knowledge of all of you. I would have been lost between the tests, treatment, and even recovery now. I believe I have followed the footsteps of the most incredible transplant warriors out there, between Sarah, Shannon, and Anne-Marie, to Wullie, D, Brian n Brian, Adrienne and Brandy. And the incredible daily support of Veronica, Jesse, Susan, Alison, Michelle, and so, so many others...You, my loves, have pushed me through. And shown me that I should be proud to be a survivor. That I AM proud, to be a survivor, among, all of you. To be honest, this last group is a weird mix. Of people, who saved me at very crucial points of my treatment. To John, To Jen, To Sam, To Daphna, To Ham, and to Darrel. You have heard and seen my darkest days and thoughts, and yet, you still stood by me. On days, I thought I was broken, you each were there -- never caring what I looked like, or however beaten I sounded. You all, were there. Checking in, calling, emailing, doing whatever you could in your power to make sure I was still breathing. I will never, ever, be able to thank you enough. For your sensitivity to my needs, to just being able to listen. You six, have amazed me, and went above and beyond, the calls of friendship, and continue to do so. And lastly, but most importantly, my beautiful family. For Jake and Aly, to be here for parts of their spring break, to care for the house and dogs -- while I was in the hospital. For my moms, my beautiful, beautiful mothers, who although drive me crazy most times ;) Gave up their jobs, their lives, their normalcy, to continue my life. For them forcing food down my throat, when, I refused, for them driving me to the ER, at the drop of a hat. For them, sleeping in reclining chairs for two straight weeks in the hospital, just to be near me. For them bugging nurses, doctors, and questioning everyone and everything, so I wouldnt have to worry about my care. For them, taking me in at twenty four, rearranging the house, the dogs, and their life. So I could have successful treatment. Without them and their strength, I assure you, I would not be here. And for that, I have never ever been more grateful to have anyone such as these women, in my life. And lastly, to you -- if I have not mentioned your name. This blog, in many ways, has been an extended network. Your comments and love, shine through the screen to me. And on the days in which I felt most alone. You, were all there with me. Weather you sent a card, left a phone message, sent an email, ect. You were a part of this. And for that, I sincerely thank you. Although cancer has been an incredibly heartbreaking and devastating time in my life. I have to state for the record, the outpour of support from those I have yet to meet face to face, or those who I havent spoken to in years. Has truly been amazing. The kindness of strangers, coupled with my army of support of friends and family, truly lets me see the beauty within all of this pain. And for that, as well, I am grateful. Heading into Upenn tomorrow, which will determine if the transplant was successful. Sending tons and tons of love, to each and every one of you,
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 01:55:01 +0000

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