a nice story of a person growing up around polygamy I grew up on - TopicsExpress


a nice story of a person growing up around polygamy I grew up on a farm with a family that practiced legal polygamy, and I was never abused until my mother pulled away from the family and converted to Christianity. Her abuse put me into a foster home, which cost me my birth family, and also all contact with the rest of that family. I never knew them again. I did not rediscover my roots until I was in the military and dated a young Jewish woman. There, again, I saw the warmth, unconditional love, and large prosperous families that I’d remembered. This is probably one of the worst kept secrets about Western Judaism, and one that many would probably like me to shut the heck up about, but it’s truth. Ethically, there’s not only nothing wrong with it, Polygamy is in reality a multitude of times more healthy and successful than Monogamy. Despite being demonized in Christian media, persecuted by law thanks to other religions, and widely derided as abusive for more than fifty years, Polygamy continues unabated, safely, without harm to anyone. Many of you still picture Polygamy as a slavery of women, and this may be the case in sub-saharan Africa or rural Malaysia, or some other very poor nations, but it’s not the case anywhere in South American tribal cultures, Native American, or Military cultures. Yes, the US Military is largely polygamous. I am sure that will come as a surprise to many, but it’s a plain and simple fact, especially with maritime histories. Very little that you read in public school, and almost nothing you hear on television, is real. It’s all what some executive wants you to think. “Generation X?” It’s a media term created by marketing agents. There’s no such social terminology as Western culture has no clear succession of generations based on the widespread use of our legal system. Because we don’t have castes, and our legal structure is largely unchanging, there are no generations which have clear boundaries that are so easily classified. The last real generational change was WW2. Vietnam less so, but comes close. Everyone born after those points is sharing similar generational characters, based on the fact that American culture hasn’t changed very much. There’s far more generational change in countries that are much less stable. Women and ethic minorities have shared mostly the same benefits of American society since the 60s. Stop listening to News Anchors, they don’t even have college degrees, most of them. The few that do are merely journalists, not scientists. If you’re going to learn from media, select media that are authoritative on the subject. For marriage, talk to lawyers and sociologists, and even psychiatrists. You’ll get radically different information from what you’ll find in church, on TV, or from people on a bus. When you want to buy a car, you go to a dealership, unless you are either stupid or an expert on the car you want to purchase. Why shouldn’t you talk to an expert if you’re going to get married? By expert, I don’t mean Priest. The chances are that during a marriage, one or both of you will someday experience attraction to another person. Being ready and willing to deal with personal growth and life changes will ensure that your marriage will succeed beyond those challenges. Is a marriage not far more important than a car? Isn’t it? And, think about this one in that context, do many people not have other cars? That’ll keep you and your friends busy chatting for at least a week. Talk to a lawyer before you marry. People who do this are HALF as likely to suffer a painful divorce.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 21:12:23 +0000

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