a somewhat annoyed note aimed at all the idiots who apparently - TopicsExpress


a somewhat annoyed note aimed at all the idiots who apparently decided en masse to get onto the road and piss me off today: 1--If you are incapable of controlling the force of your foot on the accelerator, please use cruise control. Do not drift from 20k under the speed limit to 20k over. Unless, of course, its your aim to piss off other drivers and possibly end up with another car in your boot (trunk for my American friends). 2--You do not have to slow down for curves. Seriously. You can take them at the speed limit. If the corner is at all dodgy, there will be a sign informing you of the speed to take it at. Do not slam on your brakes at the first tiny hint of a curve. Unless, of course, you really want another car in your boot. 3--if youre turning from a side road onto a single lane, 100k highway, its the done thing to accelerate. Unless, of course, you really want another car in your boot. 4--if your turning from a side road onto a two lane, 110k freeway, move swiftly into the left lane. Do not zoom into the right lane then halve your speed. Unless, of course, you really want to be obliterated by cars doing the speed limit. 4--seriously people, have some awareness of surrounds. If, after doing the above--thereby forcing others to swerve into the left lane because they dont want to brake and end up with another car up their arse--dont then decide to claim the left lane and change without looking. Unless, of course, you want all those other cars to make you the meat in the sandwich. 6--if someone is passing you, its generally because theyve had enough of your slow arse! Theyre not doing it because they want to race you! (unless of course, youre both young men in hotted up v8s) *takes deep breath*. Okay, feeling better now :)
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 06:47:26 +0000

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