a very good read!!! if u r sceptical about juice plus at all - TopicsExpress


a very good read!!! if u r sceptical about juice plus at all please read this An independent blog of JP from a sceptic Hi guys. Its going to be a long one so best get a cup of green tea in!!! Pleased to report normal JP activity has resumed. Had a good day today with no temptations at all:) however, phoned Louise today because I kind of think I am at a cross roads and need too make some decisions regarding continuing with the plan or not because in theory I only have a week to go on this trial!!!! Well how do I feel? Answer: good most of the time:) def better than other diets I think. However the further I go into this I dont see it as a diet plan but more a health plan! I have completely changed the way I cook and eat, the way that I shop and the foods that I buy! Draw backs!!! I still think it is expensive. And before all you juice plus bible bashes start breaking down the cost to me dont bother!!!! I get it! However as well as the products it is expensive to eat this way and I will challenge anyone who wishes to challenge me regarding this. Especially if you try to incorporate it into the whole family. That said, this is not the fault of JP but the society we live in!!!! So what have I decided! Well so far I have lost 8lb in just under 3 weeks! I still have shakes left but most days only substitute one meal so I am going to continue with this for the next few weeks until my shakes run out and then stop them!! I think in reality you cant continue substituting meals for a long term plan but hopefully in this time I may have lost a little more weight and can then continue without. But what about the capsules!!!!!! Well!!!! Wait for it. The verdict is still out lol. However what I am going to do Is sign up for one lot (4 months supply) and during this time I plan to try and follow a cleanish diet! Am I going to freak out over a mushroom or piece or corn! NO! Will I eat if there is nothing on the menu clean. YES. What I will do the rest of the time is try to continue to eat with clean principles. So I will continue with this blog until the end of my month and then intermittently I will update it to keep you informed of my JP journey. One final thing I would like to say is to those selling!!!! Myself and many other people I know have been put off this product because of the hard sell! Predominantly regarding the business aspect rather than the product. My advise would be to learn more about your product and promote this! Not how many promotions you and your team are getting. My impression of JP before starting this was not good!!! Why! Social media!!!!!! Think about what your promoting guys!!!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 00:20:11 +0000

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