aYOU WILL MEET MANY FASCINATING PEOPLE ALONG THE WAY..... Its hard to find the perfect time to say something you know, is going to change everything. ~ David Nail ;) People in Alaska...What a bonus for me to have in getting to know them, and their fabulous stories of life here. If I have these kind of days when the weather is like this, I say LET IT RAIN again tomorrow, I dont care how wet I am, when I get on the bus for work in the morning, because I dont have an umbrella.... Whats great is that the Bus driver laughed with me as I got on and said, Note to self...Umbrellas for the Alaskan Fall are a must...Then sloshed over to sit down, smelling just like a wet dog, and dripping all the way to work. But hey, the day has to start one way or another, why not with a lesson, and some wet cigarettes. So for today I agree...Let it come down on me...I dont mind one bit...Im in Alaska... Ok, so back to the point of my goofy story. Obviously I know the Bus Driver, John, who has been a driver for people mover for ten years, and is married with kids. But there is also the fact that he and I both enjoy the stop where I get off because, the bus is now dryer, and... Kimberly, a waitress at a restaurant here near the Diamond mall, gets on as I leave, she works two jobs and has a great aura about her because she is always smiling, and I dig the fact that she whips out the vapor thing- a- ma- jig and smokes it up on the Bus...too cool..... I have too many stories with getting to know the people I work with everyday, and I am truly lucky to have landed such a great gig here...But that brings me to the real story I wanted to share today...What happened at work...Today we had a State OSHA inspector stop by for a visit, and after he walked thru the place, I was asked if it would be ok to have him interview me about the safety of the place....No autographs required...Ok I take that back, I did have to sign some forms and legal crap for him...no worries... So, this was supposed to be my interview, and all I had to do was answer four simple questions...a half hour later I had learned that Tom, the inspector was a State employee for the last ten years after spending 22 years on the slope as a catering camp manager. He was 77 years old, and had two kids, one girl who was at Texas A&M on a full scholarship, and an 18 year old son who was attending college in Alaska, who lets say, was the reason Tom was still working...in a good way of course...to help pay for his sons education...very cool... He had all kinds of advice for the new guy including getting away and going down at least once a year to stay sane...He advised me to get an American Airlines Visa Credit Card, so that when I did travel to the lower 48 I could rack up frequent flyer miles like he and his wife did so that they could fly free to Cozumel, and Hawaii...etc. I asked him all kinds of questions about this slope thing I keep hearing about...Its the Oil companies and the field up North of here. Apparently huge ass money, but you work, work, work.... In the end I think I could have spent the rest of the day talking to Tom, because he was really fascinating, he was a true Alaskan that had a glow that hard to describe unless you see it...And let me tell you this much...at 77 I think Tom could have beaten me in the 40 yard dash...Whatever that wife was feeding him was working...The man looked good!....If only I can look that way, or better yet, just get to that age...I dont know about the evils of the past, but maybe that winter here may help with it... Boy, I kinda got lost in the moment there sorry...Tom ended up giving his card and he told me that next spring....Give me a call and Ill take you up there for a vip one day tour...Now you see right? Everyone here just Rocks! For a guy who loves people....I think I am in the right place.... Now the Moose thing? Well....grrrrrrrrrr....That story will have to wait for another time I guess....Day 55...Still havent spotted one....;) Thanks for reading, Lance ...... We continue because...we can youtu.be/BYoqrYy-9T4
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 04:23:47 +0000

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