about a decade ago (almost, seriously), i sat in the back of a car - TopicsExpress


about a decade ago (almost, seriously), i sat in the back of a car with the great american theater dramaturg and powerhouse literary agent Morgan Jenness. the car was being driven by the incredible, passionate, all heart artist Luis Alfaro. luis turned to morgan and said something along the lines of chris peña is the next luis alfaro - give him about ten years. - i blushed in the dark of the car dreaming about that impossible idea. the comparison was an enormous compliment, an enormous feat i thought an impossibility. luis alfaro, the solo performer who had spoken more truth in one of his performances, leaving heart and soul on stage, that most playwrights accomplish in a lifetimes body of work. luis alfaro macarthur genius award winner. luis alfaro the great educator and champion of new voices from enormous, prestigious institutions like CalArts and USC, to community centers and prisions. luis alfaro, author of a little gold nugget called FROM PRADA TO NADA (the first time my parents saw someone they knew credited on the big screen of a movie theater clapping loudly like teenagers at eastridge mall), starring my crush nicholas dagostino (now of GOTHAM fame). luis alfaro, new dramatists alumni - youd think a persons career would peak - but instead continues to grow with productions from victory gardens, to woolly mammoth, to denver center and the mark taper forum - from oregon shakes to the magic theater - it seems like a great artist of luis would be looking back on his achievements, and yet it feels like the man has hardly even begun to peak, decades of work ahead of him. many stories have been told, but there are many more where that came from. but its not luis alfaros hugely accomplished career that one can look to dream to. no. what there is to be in awe of, is the unbelievable way in which he loves every artist and human being he comes in touch with, and how those people love him back. for his passion, his heart, his support, his ridiculous and unwavering love of his community. his art. his voice. his stories. his truth. if i can accomplish even 1/4 of what this great mentor of mine has, than i will have lived a long, and accomplished, fulfilling career. so here we are. almost ten years later. what an honor to be in Los Angeles for the opening night of his play PAINTING IN RED. featuring two of my great loves Rodney To and Justin Huen *mostly for their looks - and also sometimes they are funny. congratulations and happy opening friends of mine. may there be many more.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 02:20:27 +0000

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