about me ?! - Sagittarius Moon is happy-go-lucky and - TopicsExpress


about me ?! - Sagittarius Moon is happy-go-lucky and free-spirited, Optimistic and cheerful. They has an ability to simply believe that everything will work out for the best. - They are very adaptable, Idealistic and romantic - They can be impatient, too candid, especially at times when they really need to use some tact. - They also like to leave an impression on others. - They are creative and talented; many go into the arts or design. They also can be successful in sales, education and jobs where they must rely on communication. - These natural adventurers are impulsive and enthusiastic - Unlike some of the other Moon signs, the Sagittarius Moon Sign is not really materialistic. They prefer having an incredible experience, even though it is fleeting. - They tend to wax philosophical at times, and are naturals with language. - They are a champion of justice - Ascendant Aquarius: idealistic, altruistic, detached, independent, original, surprising, gifted, contradictory, innovative, humanistic, likeable, friendly, self-confident, impassive, quiet, intuitive, creative, charitable, elusive, disconcerting, generous, tolerant, paradoxical, and you cannot stand any kind of constraint - The Venus in Cancer person is very intuitive, and they find it easy to read your character and feelings - They can be hurt easily, even though they tend to hide this vulnerability behind their dignity. They are good listeners. They tend to be cautious in love because they are trying to protect themselves. - As a friend, Cancer Venus is adept at creating a second family out of their friends. They are loyal and like to keep in touch, no matter what the distance. -Cancer Venus is creative - Cancer Venus is someone with a big heart. They also appear wise and are surrounded by a warmth that wraps around those surrounding them. Once they trust someone, they are very affectionate. - Mercury in Gemini is Quick-witted and eclectic - They have a broad knowledge of many subjects - They learn fast, but because they have so many different interests it is difficult for them to concentrate on a single subject. - Give Gemini Mercury a stimulating environment and they will be happy. - Mercury in Gemini is very sensitive to what is going on around them. They are very impressionable. - They tend to be restless and full of energy, tend to be open-minded, logical answers appeal to them. - They may come across as too intellectual - They are curious about everything. It isnt too difficult to persuade them to change their minds. They can be talented at smooth talking with a sense of humor. - Mercury in Gemini makes decisions quickly, and they usually turn out well It is easy for them to communicate with anyone from all walks of life with ease. Eloquent and engaging, it is hard to be bored with a Gemini Mercury around! - They like to play mind games - A natural at social gatherings, they flit from group to group like a butterfly. - Mercury in Gemini likes to travel, read, talk and meet new people. Writing helps them focus better, and many may become journalists or freelance writers. - Mars in Virgo has their eye on the goal. They are practical, logical and disciplined. - Mars in Virgo can be a bit critical and stubborn sometimes - They like to do things their way. They are usually very organized and they are not afraid to work hard. - They have a kind of energy, and they get restless easily. They dont like to stick to one project for too long. - They like to help others. They need to feel wanted and useful - Virgo Mars takes their energy from everything they do, whether that is their work, their hobbies or other things. - They dont handle idleness well. - They are born perfectionists, though they will deny it. - They are somewhat shy and humble, but they want to learn and experience new things, so this often helps them overcome any shyness. - Mars in Virgo is subtle - Jupiter in Sagittarius attracts good luck as long as they are generous, tolerant and practice what they preach. - They can be very inspirational. They just need to believe in themselves and their goals, they have natural enthusiasm - They are truly born under a lucky star, since this is Jupiters natural home. - Jupiter in Sagittarius finds that travel not only broadens the mind, it opens up doors of knowledge they may only have dreamed of. - Carefree and outgoing, Jupiter in Sagittarius enjoys making life better for others - They have strong convictions - They spend freely, but they usually are prosperous - They are easygoing and good-natured. - Success finds them wherever they are. - They do not like routines, so you shouldnt be too dogmatic - Jupiter in Sagittarius can accept different points of view. - Luck will follow them wherever they support their personal needs for growth and risk-taking - They have the potential to develop great wisdom. - Uranus in Capricorn is ambitious and enterprising. - They can be very serious minded, with a strong sense of responsibility. - Their original business ideas will bring them success - They can also be erratic or eccentric. - They have a strong stubborn streak - They are good at balancing ambition, independence and their intellectual abilities. They are not afraid of challenges. - They are tolerant of differences in people, and they have no problem treating them all equally. They are even tempered. - They have the talent to see the coming trends long in advance. - They are logical and have a great mind. They may be excellent politicians or business leaders. They will be capable of accomplishing great things for mankind and may make great material progress. - Pisces Saturn is very self-sacrificing. - They can be very sympathetic. - They need to learn not to identify with the problems of others too deeply. - They feel obligated to help those less fortunate than themselves. - They are adept in the fields of social work, medical care, teaching, religion and the arts. - Neptune in Capricorn is reserved and refined, especially in areas related to control, power, fame and success. They dream of wealth and power, even if they dont quite know how to attain it. They can use their imagination to put just about any idea to practical use and turn it into money. - Capricorn Neptune is serious.They have the ability to concentrate on anything that happens, so they can solve any problems that occur. - Pluto in Capricorn exercises caution in all things - They are ambitious, but are patient enough to go step by step. Gradual change is their motto. - They may resist the existing authority and go on to establish their own. - whether they want to or not, they make terrific politicians.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 07:00:31 +0000

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