about them sausages (a very short post) - the only affilliation - TopicsExpress


about them sausages (a very short post) - the only affilliation i have is to my community. i do not care for politics as practiced by successive administrations of this state, nor do i care for this system under which we allow ourselves to be ruled. understand this: i do not mean to detract from the obvious hard work done by those members and supporters of PBP, AAA, SF and the Socialist Party. i applaud their application and initiative. i do not mean to detract from the character, or question the obvious dedication to the cause evident in the behaviour of so many who protest under the NCM/R2W banners. this is no time for division. if the parties stop the endless self promotion (and, it has to be said of some, profiteering through the sale of papers and pamphlets) and the R2W/NCM campaigns stop jostling for credit or praise, then this all reverts to a movement of the people. this movement began organically, it grew, and continues to grow, organically; it will find cohesion organically, it has already started organising organically, it already informs and educates organically, and when the time comes for protest to become resistance, the people of ireland will not need to look to any umbrella organisation or political party for instruction. we will stand taller, we will shout louder and we will fight harder beacause we are ireland, and only we, the people, are the true alternative. SF, AAA, PBP, the Socialist Party, R2W and the NCM will not win this war, but their help and support is welcome; any attempt at commandeering, or staging, is not. this war will be won by the protesters marching behind their banners and under their flags; it will be won by protesters, not parties; it will be won by protesters, or not won atall. i will be outside the GPO on Saturday, 20th December. i hope to see you there.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 18:33:48 +0000

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