absolutely!pretty amazing and pretty interesting issue to discuss - TopicsExpress


absolutely!pretty amazing and pretty interesting issue to discuss at the moment among the people of US and among the people of international community,people know very well as Russia against started invade in Ukraine while its wake up call for EU&NATO forces to how to make secure eastern European nation after Russia invaded in Crimea, putin already accepted that Russia invade in Crimea against expansion of US,EU&NATO,and i also know that Russia will never allow any neighbor country to join EU,i also watched British prime minister interview absolutley agree and NATO secretary general interview,they are agree for more coordination to fight against any kind of Russian aggression. heres video panel discuss regarding Ukraine:here is my absolute amazing great beauty Margaret Brennan CBS news and other journalists panel discussed regarding foreign policy video : :youtube/watch?v=YGlvWS1f69s as i and my absolute amazing great beauty Margaret Brennan CBS news also working with US state department,we discussed and suggested that imposed more and more tough sanctions on Russia to change behavior of Putin as well as Russian economy.as we suggested some sanctions like. 1)sanctions on Russian people and businessmen who related to Putin and Putins inner-circle with assets freeze,banks accounts and visa ban. 2)sanctions on Russian banks,business,trades,important and exports,rubble currency. 3)sanctions on Russian energy sectors like gas and oil,most important part of Russian economy but it will also hurt EU & global economy.this is tough step to implement,we never advise. as we discussed and we saw that many tough sanctions imposed on Russia but many expert raised concerned that sanctions would not change behavior of Putin ,we agree with that but we also agree that now sanctions start to bite Russia hard and start to change behavior of Russian economy like. >world bank and IMF chief Christine lagarde already said Russia probably in edge of recession in will grow nearly zero percent.0.3% GDP growth forecast.now its confirm that Russian economy will shrink to -4.5% will hurt Russian people more than putin. >Russia invade in Crimea war cost almost more than 3% of GDP at least nearly more than $40 bn while still increasing. >Russian inflation pretty high almost 6 to 8% while to control inflation Russian central bank hike rate twice which is also high,due to uncertainty and instability in the region investor pull back money nearly $130 bn which major draw back for Russian economy and pick up inflation. >due to pull back money from Russian market currency lost their value against dollar,record low,stock and bond market also shrank due to tension between Ukraine and Russian,raised big questions over Russian economys credibility. >lower crude price but good for global economy but not good for Russian economy,opec and global market lost revenue hurt more Putin,military spending also increase. so as we can say sanctions are working and it start to bite Russian economy,as we discussed its possible peaceful solution as entire international community want no war only peace,we hope that EU&US need to be unite as well entire world need to be unite to stop Russian aggression which is against international law and take tough step like imposing tough economic sanction against Russia,we also hope for peaceful diplomatic solution between pro-Russian and Kiev government as well as between Russia and Ukraine and hope Putin will stick with his commitment as he gave to the international community and stick with his commitment and not failed to his own obligations.but i hope find peaceful solution as international community wants.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 21:02:09 +0000

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