acne is not genetic , acne is a cause of hormonal balancing - TopicsExpress


acne is not genetic , acne is a cause of hormonal balancing lifestyle repercussion , between skin n muscle , theres fascia , fascia n immunity make one on endocrine health , that why when a liver goes extremely stress the skin is yellowish , that th why glpt1 signal of th tongue make th tongue look unhealthy if thrush or xyz bacteria , skin a fair description of th stomach sensory organ state , accutane even enhance C reactive protein in blood , which mean it does induce inflammation , as we age we loose vision , we loose stability , we loose memory , we look oxygen entry assimilation , we digest less powerfully , th homeostasis lost equilibrium over time , we are oxygen human species , glycation of ageing , make th us slowly calcify, arterial bareceptor change , and btw th skin does get older and get a leather look n wrinkly , so if think body is intellectually systemic on glial cell n neurogenesis while free radical , macrophages , parasites live within us , we are living upon daily trauma and stress that made what we are , think , view and perceived , so in th case of acne , it simply mean stomach does do th job , paleolithic men had no bad teeth or acne syndrome , it came with modern industrialization , if your parent only buy dead food made in a box and that was your childhood macro intake daily , it not genetic , it consequential of your environment , problem is now how to nail hormonal balancing , having no disturbing fart , shit that smell like cancer , belching and IBD , gerd , reflux n krohn ,, and hormonal balancing while on steroids , well by decent quality water intake , reverse osmosis with a uv light n add mineral , our tap water is below average , then eat a 20-25% organic , then add no food allergy , then think stomach health , by prebiotics , probiotics , digestive enzymes , fibre , and glutamine , that stomach all cover , and this wont happen over night , it need consistency , gene transcription can be change positively over time , with modern pool of pollution and be a extreme bodybuilder , you need to care and invest in immuno modulation or you will puke or will not sleep , or you will be anxious , th trick is to nail a cycle that give shiny skin , no pimples n a smile in your face
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 01:51:31 +0000

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