actually, I think bullying has become the norm in america. so - TopicsExpress


actually, I think bullying has become the norm in america. so many hostile people demanding to be treated special. Live and let live. that is what tolerance means. It doesnt mean I have to agree with you or accomodate you. it means respect each others right to be yourself. funny thing is Christians are the ones who have been accused of shoving their religion on everyone else, when that is not the case at all. this country was founded by christians seeking the freedom to practice their faith without persecution. that is a right guaranteed in the first amendment. that right includes free expression. the military academy that forced a cadet to erase the scripture reference from the whiteboard outside his door were violating his freedom of speech. they told him it might offend someone. so when someone offends me, do I have the right to take away their freedom of speech? we would ALL have to become rocks because something is always offending somebody. Christophobic atheist Mikey Weinstein is behind much of the attacks on religious freedom. I want to know how he has so much pull with our govt.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 18:48:12 +0000

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