actually, the one he shared is an old version. The new one has - TopicsExpress


actually, the one he shared is an old version. The new one has some minor corrections like When I get to a place, I couldn’t think immediately what I came for. instead of Whenever I get to some place, it never springs to my mind - what did I come for? Dear Dr. Phyo Wai Linn, I couldn’t go back to the places I used to go around. I couldn’t sleep at night. People I never knew reach out to greet and hug me. I couldn’t recall my shoe size when someone asked me at the shoe store. I couldn’t even tie my laces properly. I get some fainting spells every time I leap to my feet. I never feel fresh and fit when I wake up. All the telephone numbers I used to know off by heart got mixed up now. So did passwords. I didn’t realise it’s the toothpaste I washed my face with until it didn’t foam at all. Sometimes I feel a bit dizzy all day long. I couldn’t remember how many times I took those once-daily pills in a single day. I couldn’t sleep at night. I couldn’t keep the memory sticks that store my personal data. I couldn’t read a novel without having to turn back to the front pages as I couldn’t remember character names. But I never knew it’d turn out to be one of those I’ve read until I’ve finished reading it. When I praise the nine virtues of the Buddha in prayer in mind, I couldn’t count them exactly nine. I forgot to pay out on drinks at tea shop till the waiter gave me a shout. Even on the streets I could walk through with my eyes closed, I have to follow the signs and ask people for directions. I get headaches every now and then. They hit so very bad I couldn’t stand whatever medicine I took. When someone asked me about what I had for lunch, I was like going crazy. When I found a Levi’s 501 from an old suitcase and asked my brothers and uncles whose pant it is, they all said the same - it’s yours if tags are cut off. I could go straight back home only by taxi. I washed my face with toothpaste. I didn’t come to know until it didn’t foam. Headaches are pretty unbearable. Isn’t it funny a non-tourist like me couldn’t keep his hands off a street map of Yangon in the downtown of Yangon? When I get to a place, I couldn’t think immediately what I came for. Mistaking Myo Naing for Moe Naing and vice versa, I just talked non-sense on the phone. Once I almost dropped, getting to my feet. I fall asleep at dawn and wake up at dusk as I couldn’t sleep at night. I just couldn’t have clearly in mind the time or place or both of all the appointments I have. Aspirins couldn’t take away my headaches. I read the whole novel again from beginning to end. I washed my face with toothpaste. I’ve got a very bad headache, doctor. Respectfully yours, Han Lynn.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 15:42:35 +0000

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