…add me… thank you Key Free Doom N. 1 PART 1 OF 4 - TopicsExpress


…add me… thank you Key Free Doom N. 1 PART 1 OF 4 Slivers In the deep valley of the French, there is a beautiful castle called Chateau Nuage, headquarters and residence of Mik-El. And in the vast adjacent park, there are lots of woonian flowers and plants. Narrator: In the old castle Chateau Nuage, it came the dawn of a new dream. The injuries sustained by fate, will soon be erased... Like anything that tears the soul, memories of the past... full of promise gone. Mik-El is inside his room in the castle. Mik-El deviates the curtain of the window, and with a thoughtful expression... observe the scenery out of the window. Narrator: There are now six long years, Mik-El... that youre on planet Earth. The fog of memories... cannot erase... that fateful day. Where every sliver of light... would become... reality. The hope cannot die... especially if your memory goes back to... Keywoon. Scene Change. This event takes place on the planet Keywoon, six years ago. You can see the square of a woonian small village called Rjkjd, where people jostle close to a royal vehicle of Syfhan-Thir (called Kocly). In fact you can see on the vehicle, the royal coats of arms of the Syfhan kingdom. The crowd is happy to approach at the Kocly vehicle. We also catch a glimpse of the royal surveillance garrisons, called WOSS. The princess Mysoka, affectionately greets her people with a smile. The crowd is pleased to see Mysoka. Narrator: Mysoka is usual to reach remote areas of her kingdom. Mysoka wants give her populations, the affection and solidarity of a princess close to the problems of her people. But that day, everything seemed different. And like an eagle waits for its prey... Mik-El had seen fit to follow Mysoka. Mik-El is seen flying over the beautiful little village. Narrator: Mik-El promissory people who approached to the princess. Trying to find a gesture... a movement... which reveals his mind... the suspect. But perhaps hes wrong... Mysoka is loved by her people... Maybe... But then suddenly a man with a strange uniform and an abominable mask, hit the Princess Mysoka with a strange weapon. The man over to hit the princess, screams loudly: Death to the Syfhan! Long live to Mhauvais!. Both the guard Woss and Mik-El, do not have time to stop the attacker. At the same time the crowd full of anger, tries to hit the assailant. Mik-El as a rampage, attacking the man with the weapon in hand, and with a determined voice says: Youll pay dearly for the gesture you made!. The man with no trace of pity, reply: It doesn’t matter what you do to me, Mik-El. For the Princess Mysoka there is nothing more to.... Mik-El not wait more, than with determination strike the man with some rays coming from his wings. Meanwhile, the royal guards Woss, carry the body of Mysoka to the Kocly vehicle... the crowd around is totally distraught. Inside the Kocly two Woss guards lay on a bed Mysoka, meanwhile Mik-El enter in the passenger compartment, taking the prisoner who struck Mysoka. With trepidation the Woss guardian speaks: Quick, lets get straight to the nearest Nume of the place.... Mik-El: Of course, we have no time to lose! We go immediately to Lowerk. My father will be able to find a proper cure... At least I hope so.... The other guard Woss, angrily brandishing a whip of fire, declares in a voice filled with anger: And what do we do with this filthy detherian? For what he has done, he deserves the death!. Mik-El: Until proven otherwise, it is I who command the entire team. Recovers immediately his weapon, sentinel surveillance Woss. And lets remind, that on Syfhan-Thir, applies the respect for justice. Concludes Mik-El firmly. That said, the vehicle Kocly takes off from the town. Followed by two more aircraft. The crowd still shock and surprise, observe the departure of the royal aircraft. Scene Change. Overview of Lowerk (capital of Syfhan Thir‘s kingdom). You can see the Royal Palace, which is the highest and most beautiful of others. We also notice the strange woonian birds flying over the buildings. Narrator: Lowerk. Capital of the Kingdom of Syfhan-Thir. Residence of the royal family. Where Lonat is the Sovereign, and Mysoka... his beloved daughter. Interior Mysoka‘s room. You see the sovereign Lonat sitting on the bed of her daughter, while holding her hand. Mik-El is now in normal clothes without wings, at his side there is the father Omhan. Note: Mysoka has a sort of semi-transparent mask with the tubes that come with a device that flies behind her head. The device is cyber, as big as a shoe box full of odd circuits. Mysoka‘s room is large, full of books both terrestrial and woonian; there are flying ampoules with into strange fish, there are also two lamp next to the bed. All in perfect woonian style. The King Lonat (Mysoka‘s father) breaks every silence by saying: Mysoka... Don’t leave me too... Since the death of your mother... I can only smile... her reflection in your eyes.... Omhan: My Sovereign... Its time to repeat the therapy with vraal energy.... Omhan concludes with apparent detachment. Lonat: I know... I know... Listen Omhan... I want to know the truth... Mysoka will she survive?. He hastens to tell the king, throwing a furtive glance at the Tutelary Nume. Mik-El added in a low voice: If we don’t let ourselves get discouraged, Im sure we will find a way to.... Silence, child... Unfortunately, my Sovereign... the answer is negative.... Replies with firmness and apparent calm, the Tutelary Nume Omhan. Lonat nervously stands up. The words of the Tutelary Nume Omhan injured him... and harshly he demand: What do you mean Omhan? Do you want me to believe that the greatest Tutelary Nume of the planet, cannot cure a simple virus?. Omhan calmly but also with a sense of sadness, answer: My king... it is not a virus known to us. It also has a remarkable regenerative capacity.... Lonat: Explain yourself, Omhan. Omhan: What I mean is that... yes... well... a particular virus is able to keep the subject in a permanent comatose state.... Lonat feverishly says: You mean my daughter will remain in a coma forever? It is so true...?. Mik-El: Calm yourself, my Sovereign... Maybe my father with the Appyre, can solve... er... I mean.... What?. Asks Lonat staring at Mik-El. Mik-El softly replies: No... No... It was just an idea away.... Lonat: Mik-El. I demand to know what you meant when you said that your father can with the Appyre, resolve this delicate situation. Mik-El: I promised my father... I would have kept it a secret.... Impatiently, the sovereign Lonat... with a rough voice says: Omhan... I remind you that this is my daughters life! I pretend clarification on what your son said. And saying this, the sovereign fixed Omhan with a stern look. Omhan: But... Its still a work in progress... There are no experimental prototype.... Lonat: It doesn’t matter. Its the only daughter I have. And Im willing to do anything to have her back with me! And now finish it mumbling sentences fruitless... and tell me what you know. Concludes the sovereign with a dry voice.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 10:06:26 +0000

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