…add me… thank you Key Free Doom N. 1 Slivers PART 2 - TopicsExpress


…add me… thank you Key Free Doom N. 1 Slivers PART 2 OF 4 Scene Change. We are always on the planet Keywoon; you can see the capital of Halcedonya called Chjxer. We also notice many flying structures, residence to the Imperial Guards. Narrator: “Chjxer. Capital of Halcedonya‘s Kingdom. By centuries the kingdom is ruled by women. Men have only a marginal and subordinate role. Decisions are taken essentially by the Empress... QYMANY. Inside the Royal Palace, precisely in the throne room. You can see the Qymany Empress sitting on her throne, as she eats strange woonian animals, which a servant keeps them on a tray. Qymany takes them with her hands. Close to the Empress you can see the imperial guardians, called Jesha. The imperial custodians have woonian sidearms, and the armour is equal for all of them. Of course they are all women. Both the walls throughout the rest of the area, is composed of cyber material. Qymany with apparent calm, says: “Come on ahead, Aynex. Whats so urgent to disturb my meal? Don’t forget that even if you are my daughter, I will not tolerate transgressions of the rules which I have given”. This is a great news... Mother”. Responds Aynex with a trembling voice. Qymany: “I hope so... Talk then”. Aynex: “One of our spy, informed us that the Mysoka princess, was fatally struck by a virus-laser”. Qymany surprise, holding a piece of food in her hand, declares: “For the shadows of Osvjxj! That unworthy creature that define herself a woman... is about to die? Give me more details about the incident... we will celebrate later”. Concludes with a sarcastic smile the Empress. The servant walks away with the tray, not to disturb the discussion. The imperial guardian, hearing that Mysoka is dying… scrutinize each others with happy expression. Aynex: “A detherian rebel was the architect of the attack. But the most important thing is this, mother... The Tutelary Nume Omhan, is trying to save the daughter of his master, through a magic secret formula Souk.... Qymany abandons the wry grimace, and with serious expression says: ”What are you trying to say...? Omhan has completed that absurd project... able to make immortal?”. Aynex: “Thats right Mother. Omhan has found a way to enter the soul of Mysoka in a circuit called a living...”. Aynex cannot finish the sentence, which the mother states in a triumphant voice: “APPYRE! Yes... It must be the Appyre. But it is not just a pile of circuits. The Appyre is so much more...”. Qymany exposing these new revelations, she gets up from her throne and walks toward her daughter. Qymany: “The Appyre it’s the final expression of centuries of hard and long research... There is even talk of millenniums... Already our ancestors had begun to believe possible, a cohesion between organic structure and immaterial”. Aynex adds with a content voice: “But then... This may mean, that it will be able to afford a woonian… to live permanently on Earth...?. Qymany: “Acute observation, Aynex... Now you know that the Appyre, absolutely must be ours”. Concludes Qymany with voice eager. This would mean, to start hostilities with the reign of Syfhan-Thir… mother. Not to mention that they also have three Nyxir jasper…”. Suggests Aynex with respectful tone. Qymany with a tense, and holding her hand in a fist, replied firmly: “Stupid insolent! How do you expect to become some day Empress, if you don’t act with determination? I know very well, that they’ve got the three Nyxir jasper! And I also remember the Leviant Pact”. Aynex observes the mother, with a certain reverential fright. While Qymany continues her speech with newfound power of expression: ”That farce of the covenant... ah... if I remember!”. And then with a voice subtle and ironic, Qymany adds: “We combine by mutual agreement the three Nyxir jasper, with the intent to open a portal that allows us to emigrate to another planet...”. Then recovering an agitated tone of voice: “And what have we got? Now the Syfhan have full control of the portal!”. Ends Qymany staring at her daughter with a tough expression. “Now I understand... Do you want to also take possession of the three Nyxir jasper, right?”. Asks Aynex with a malicious tone. Qymany: “Its natural! Don’t forget that one of the three jasper, it rightfully belongs to us. We gave it to Syfhan, just to allow opening the portal… which otherwise would not open without all three jasper gathered”. After these last words, the Empress Qymany is moving towards a huge door. Aynex looks thoughtful. Recall the Hugh directors. I want them all as soon as possible in the keujw room”. At the end declares Qymany with tone serious. Aynex: “All right. Mother... when do you think we will start to...”. Soon... very soon…”. Empress Qymany reply dry, while a sarcastic smile… broke through on her bony face. Scene Change. Overview of Lonat‘s inner palace, the ruler of Syfhan-Thir. Specifically we are in the secret chamber where the Tutelary Nume Omhan is trying to create the exoskeleton of Mysoka. In fact, we can see Lonat, Omhan, Mik-El and two Woss guards with its whip. Around them, you can see the huge cyber-magical structure that contains the metal parts of the exoskeleton. The cyber-magical structure is formed by a lot of cyber circles, with at the centre a sort of cyber egg (the Appyre). Under the immense structure, can be seen, lying on a bed, the body of Mysoka. The environment is definitely a mix between magical and technological. In fact, you see strange ampoules steaming, cyber cables etc. The room is really huge. Narrator: “Meanwhile, in the Omhan‘s secret room...”. “Kalhyr! So Omhan... in all these long years, youve hidden all this?”. Debuted the sovereign Lonat with surprised voice. Omhan: “You comprehend, Sovereign Lonat... We live in an age where caution must be of primary importance...”. Mik-El adds flatly: “My father, however, was the idea of revealing the whole, not just to be certain of the result. But now that events have fallen...”. “Okay... Okay... Now think about Mysoka”. Closes dry Lonat, watching in amazement the huge cyber structure. “The ampoules you see, contain a particular plasma of my own invention”. Concludes with seraphic air Omhan, while the magical woonian ampoules (as big as watermelons), descend from the ceiling. The ampoules are partly transparent and partly of cyber circuits. At inside you can see a strange plasma, and some smoke that surrounds them. Omhan with excited tone continues: “A special plasma, which has the peculiarity of the coexistence between them, the magical energy Souk with Ghesy... But now…”. Suddenly the three ampoules start flying around Omhan; while its hands you can see the rays of magical energy. “The long awaited moment has arrived!”. Screams Omhan, and suddenly he throws rays of magic toward Mysoka‘s body. Omhan states, raising his voice: “Look! Mysokas soul is going to the magic circuit Appyre! Its just like a meteor that seeks its sun...”. The face of the king and that of Mik-El, stare at a strange light that protrudes from the chest of Mysokas body. The light moves quickly towards the massive cyber structure. “Fascinating...”. Lonat Comment with an ecstatic voice, surrounded by Mik-El and Woss warriors surprised by the evolution of the events. Omhan: “Everything works a treat! Princess‘s soul has reached the Appyre!”. While Omhan concludes the sentence, thats the you see the Appyre that comes out of the huge structure. Notice that the Appyre is similar to an egg filled by cyber circuits, and also emits a sparkling light. “And now… what happens, Omhan?”. Asks with interest the sovereign Lonat. “The most amazing thing of all! The circuit Appyre decodes the messages from Mysoka‘s soul...”. Respond Tutelary Nume Omhan, while the magical ampoules flying around him, like wild butterflies. Lonat staring at his daughter on the couch, suddenly asks: “Let me guess... All this serves to restructure Mysoka‘s body?”. “Exactly, my sovereign. Within a few moments, Mysoka will be able to create an exoskeleton and...”. Omhan cannot finish the sentence because multiple blades, begin to fly off the cyber structure. ”Look out!”. Declares Omhan with shrilly voice. You can see the splinters flying raving throughout the salon. Some of them destroy the three ampoules, and fly close to Lonat, Omhan, Mik -El and at the two Woss guards. At the middle of the living room, you can see the Appyre that remains suspended in the air, as if waiting for a new and tragic event. Mik-El: “Father, what does this mean?”. “Omhan, try to do something”. Retort Lonat dry. Omhan: “Its an effect that I had underestimated... The Hossj metal sheets, which are used to create Mysoka‘s exoskeleton, do not respond to Princess’ mental commands...”. Suddenly, Mysoka‘s voice come out from the Appyre: “Exactly... Omhan...”. “Mysoka! Are really you?”. Asks surprised Lonat while fixing the Appyre, and trying to avoid the blades flying frenzy in the room. Sure... father... What have you done to me?”. Asks the princess Mysoka with a sad voice. Omhan: “Listen, Mysoka...”. Mysoka: “Omhan... it’s you in all this... right?”. Later Ill explain... Now try to concentrate on the shape of your body... quickly!”. Concludes Omhan excitedly. Mysoka: “Okay...”. You notice Omhan, Lonat and Mik-El who take a look at the flying blades, which begin to form Mysoka‘s body. Mysoka is almost completely formed, but you can still see the points of the body, which are not yet completed. Lonat happy staring at the daughter‘s cyber body, declared: “Finally! I found my daughter again”. Mik-El with confident voice replies: “Im happy to see you Mysoka”. You will see my princess… that with time, you always seem easier to control the exoskeleton”. Comment Omhan, as he observes Mysoka in her new cyber body. Finally Mysoka while fixing her hands with a sad expression, reply: “Really? Maybe you don’t realize it... But youve created a monster!”. Concludes Mysoka. But... What do you say daughter...?”. Question Lonat turning to his daughter, with a look of pain. “Look at me. Do I look like something else? Was better to die than to fall into a pile of empty splinters! Do you get it? EMPTY!”. Concludes harsh Mysoka, while from the cracks that once held her eyes... with impetuosity a beam of light comes out.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 08:56:12 +0000

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