ade Rewind with David Boreanaz: Bones Season 9, Fatherhood, and - TopicsExpress


ade Rewind with David Boreanaz: Bones Season 9, Fatherhood, and His Angel Legacy David Boreanaz stopped by to chat with Parade about the new season of Bones, his Buffy: The Vampire Slayer and Angel legacy, [Spoilers On Bones Season 9] On the season nine premiere of Bones. “It’s hard to believe we’re starting season nine. In a way, it’s kind of strange and feels long, I don’t know why, but it’s hard to believe we’re at season nine.” On his favorite thing about playing Booth on Bones. “Wow. It’s rewarding because when you’re on a television show it allows you to kind of work the arcs of the character and where you want to take him throughout the seasons. You constantly have to challenge yourself and bring something new to him every episode and make sure your arcs meet the storylines and are consistent with the seasons. For me, it’s always been about bringing this really great sense of humor to the character. His relationship obviously with Emily [Deschanel] and Bones is very, very important. We work so great together. [You have to] really work on the chemistry. We have to really kind of know each other’s ins and outs and how [we] work. That’s what we’ve been able to do and are fortunate to do for nine seasons.” On the wedding and what else we can expect to see in season nine of Bones. “We’re just now presently shooting it, so we’re in the fifth episode. We will start off [this season] where we kind of let off — where Booth was pretty much in this gray area where he has to tell Brennan why he doesn’t want to get married. And there’s a reason for that — it’s because of the serial killer, Pelant. I know that’s going to weigh on his mind. So he has to regain her trust in the first episode and kind of navigate the waters through that, which will lead us to somewhat of a resolve in the first episode to where the two characters are comfortable enough to kind of realize where they are and Booth has somehow managed to get her to be on board, that it will all happen when it’s supposed to happen now. That should be interesting to see how that kind of unravels in the first episode. In the second episode, we pretty much go undercover again, which is great for the fans because they love to see Tony and Roxy and we really have a great time playing those outlandish characters. We go to a couple’s retreat in the second episode, the undercover episode. So that’s kind of fun. We examine where we are, obviously, and there’s a funny scene that happens in the sweat lodge, which is hilarious. It’s just the typical solve-the-murder-hilarious-undercover work by the two. When we get to [episode] three, we get into some kind of confrontation with Pelant and the storyline and how this is going to end – either good or bad for the two characters. That’s a big episode. Episode five, we start to get into the wedding. It’s just going to be a great ride to see how these two characters end up together at the altar — if that happens — and the conflict that happens with the wedding. Something will go wrong, like something always does on the wedding day. It’s fun!” On his favorite memory of playing Angel in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. “It’s a tough question. Being able to work with such talented and great writers and. And that medium at that time was [all about] really working hard in front of green screens and getting the work done, plus the amount of time you had slotted to shoot — eight or nine days to shoot three days of green screen work on wires and stunts. It was a very arduous process, but yet, very gratifying. Just the experience of going through the days when there were tough stunt days…and living in the crazy world of Los Angeles. I think for me, personally, when I look back at something like that, I was really kind of immersed in the tech and how they shot certain things and I really enjoyed that.” On the possibility of reprising his character Angel in the future. “People have asked me that. [Even though] I’m not one for reunions, I obviously look forward to always going with stuff that is in the script… [if] the people involved are on board…and the storylines. That’s really not my part to decide! It’s someone else’s who’s off doing big budgeted action films [laughs]” On what he would have been if he wasn’t an actor. “I enjoy the fine arts. Crafting maybe a nice wine — having my own vineyard and bottling my own wine would be great. I’ve always been fascinated with farmers and tractors and land. Anything kind of [like] handiwork, carpentering. I love cars — the old auctioneered cars. A collector of cars. Architect. I love buildings. There are quite a lot of things that I actually like to do. I could play them now. I could play those characters!” On his wine of choice. “My wine of poison would be a good Cab. Preferably a good Rubicon. Coming from Coppola’s vineyard, I’m a big fan of his stuff. His new labels — he just kind of merged with Maybon Coppola and switched over to Inglenook, which is the original vineyard. When he bought the property, he bought the other existing piece and has made it Inglenook is a Rubicon, which is a really great label if you haven’t seen it. It’s fantastic!” On what inspired him to start performing. “My first inspiration to perform was just being able to see certain things in life going on — whether it was my dad taking me to Tora! Tora! Tora! in the theaters when Dolby sound came out. I was amazed at how those zeros reverberated the seats. [I remember] going to see The King & I with Yul Brynner and how fascinated I was with his process and then coming out still as the king, that kind of really took me in. Little things like that that kind of pushed me to go down the world of acting. Always being out and about and traveling…going to Europe and traveling really kind of motivated and inspired me to take on different characters and just look at the human psyche and how it works. I work a little differently. Not a lot of stage, but I also love the reality of what life kind of brings you in character studies. I think all of that kind of inspired me to go down this road. That kind of feeling you get inside when you’re on stage and you’ve kind of created a fourth wall in theater is a great experience. That kind of pushed me.” On what he was like in high school. “I was pretty much a reckless, mischievous kid. I was the high school kid that was always making kids laugh in the back of the room, like imitating the tractor driver that used to cut the grass. [I was] causing issues with the teachers as far as being sent to the disciplinarian outfit. I was always having fun. I didn’t do any performances or plays. I played football; I was pretty much a jock in high school. I went to a preparatory school – an all boys school. It was Catholic. Maybe that got me into acting as well. I don’t know! I was just a fun lovin’ good Catholic boy.” On his favorite TV shows growing up. “Right off the bat I loved Barney Miller. I loved All in the Family, Starsky and Hutch, The Six Million Dollar Man, Sanford and Son. I’m laying down some shows that are pretty old. M*A*S*H. Things of that nature that kind of – I really loved character stuff.” On how his kids Jaden, 11, and Bella, 3, remind him of when he was a kid. “I think they are adventurous and they are playful. Especially with Bella — she’s so outgoing and jumps around from one couch to one chair. She’s a bit of a hurricane! She’s very independent and free-spirited, which I was. [I was] inclined to finding things on my own and taking charge. Jaden’s a little bit more reserved in certain areas, but he has that charm and sarcastic humor about himself, which can be very deadpan — which I can totally connect with. Both [kids] have these ingredients of Jamie and I that you can see as you get older with them and see how you relate to them as they get older. It’s great.” On playdates with Emily Deschanel’s son, Henry, and his kids. “No…we haven’t [set up playdates]. Henry is a little younger. They are different aged. It’s funny. When Jaden comes to visit me on set — Jaden’s 11 and Henry’s almost a year and a half — Henry LOVES Jaden. He’s there playing with the little football and throwing him the football and stuff like that. But there’s no playing as in, ‘Hey, let’s have a playdate or go to hang out!’ No, nothing like that.” On his biggest of challenge of fatherhood thus far. “Maintaining the balance between work and your family life and being able to keep the structure between the two. You are so busy. My wife is an entrepreneur and she’s on this new business called Chrome Girl, which is very successful. We’re doing great with it. So she’s balancing now her time with family life, as I’m dealing with the show and other endeavors with my acting and directing. So you put the two together and come back and you have to find that balance with your children because Jaden has travel hockey and Bella has dancing. You have to kind of keep it all in check.” On which parent is the disciplinarian in his house. “Definitely not me. I think it comes in waves. Jaden being the first born, he kind of gets the heavy hit first. Bella, she can get away with things because she’s kind of really becoming daddy’s girl, which is cute to see. They both have their ways of getting things if they want. Jaden usually goes to his mom. Bella usually just goes to either one of us with those eyes, so that kind of happens pretty quickly. It’s fun to watch them try to get things. As far as disciplining them as parents, obviously whatever they get into, you have to discipline them. We put our parenting first, especially with Jaden. Being 11 and getting older and older, you have to kind of be on that.” On his favorite things to do with his family on weekends. “We’re such homebodies. We love to stay outside and cook. We love barbequing and swimming. We love going on adventures outside of our home. Now that Jaden’s in travel hockey, this past weekend we just went to Escondido and took the whole family. It was just an adventure – by the pool, getting ready for his game the next morning, being up at 6 a.m. We love to travel together as a family. So wherever we travel, we’re always together. Bella loves coloring, so we love to color and paint. Jaden’s so obsessed with hockey, so he’s out there working on his slap shot. Bella’s riding her bike now. They’re all going in these stages and we kind of go along with them. We’re either outside or cooking — that’s pretty much what we do!”
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 05:33:52 +0000

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