after wondering about a particular stretch of stream i have heard - TopicsExpress


after wondering about a particular stretch of stream i have heard about from a few people and after a great conversation with an older fly fisherman me and my buddy Aesportswear Aaron set out this morning to do a little trout recon. i will admit we hit my favorite stream first and had are asss handed to with the big doughnut for trout, we did however slay the chubs. anywhoo around 9:30 which is a little late to strat out on a stream in search of brookies as the window is closing due to sun and heat we consulted the map, made our plan of attach, camoed up, loaded the guns ( fly rods) and set out. parked the truck and walked back up a side road a ways, not to far as this is just recon and cut through the woods to hit the secret stream. as soon as we got near and i saw the shaded pools with under cut banks and tree limb cover over the water i just knew it was true what i had heard from a few others. i eased down to a nice pool that curved around a huge rock and got to work. first cast with my muddler brought a big brookie right out of the water after it but missed and splashed back down AARRGGHHHH! next cast he took it solid! now i have caught much bigger brookies BUT this one was loooong and a bit skinny, would say 13 inches or so and a bunch of scars where another fish or predator had grabbed him for dinner only to lose him like i did the first cast. had to show this warrior some respect so he was released to fight another day. we both hooked up with some great trout but released them all today. came to a GREAT looking hole with a big log laying acroos the creek and a lower limb in the water. no doubt there was a dandy down there i could feel it. what i didnt expect was how hard he hit and my complete failure to set the hook AAARRRHGGHHH X2! could not get him to hit again and just know it is a LARGE trout though i believe by the weight it is a big brown. also will admit as i did not know this creek well i had a LOT of misses today, not uncommon for me but does not happen as often as it did today on NICE trout. had a great day and learned a lot about a stream we only hit a sliver of and is miles long, going to be a long, fun ride learning this jewel the next couple years!
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 20:52:38 +0000

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